ᦔᦱᧂpaaŋ¹20001nounoccasion, timeᦔᦱᧂ ᦉᦳᧆ ᦙᦱ, ᦘ ᦍᦱ ᦈᧁᧉ ᦵᦙᦲᧂ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦔᦸᧂ ᦺᦆᧈ ᦃᦱᧉ.On this final time, the king intended to kill him.ᦔᦱᧂ ᦢᧆ ᦵᦡᧁᧈ ᦓᦲᦰ ᦵᦠᧀᧈ, ᦉᧂ ᦙᦱ ᦉᦳᧅ ᦉ ᦥᦻ ᦺᦈ ᦶᦠᧂᧈ ᦣᧁ?At this present time, how is it that we are so fortunate?8.4.1Period of time8.1.1.3Number of times2nouncamp; temporary resting placeᦑᦲᧈ 3ᦃᧁ ᦚᧁᧉ ᦔᦱᧂ ᦶᦔᧂ ᦃᧁᧉ.They guarded the camp and cooked.ᦶᦔᧂ ᦎᦳᧇᧈ ᦶᦔᧂ ᦔᦱᧂ.They set up tents and a camp., stay3classifierclassifier for times, events, meetingsᦘᦸᧄᧉ ᦷᦜᧂ ᦔᦱᧂ ᦓᦲᦰ.This convention.ᦙᧃ ᦈᦳ ᦣᧁ ᧒ ᦔᦱᧂ.He has tricked us two times.ᦔ ᦞᦲ ᦓᦲ ᦉᦹᧇᧈ ᦙᦱ ᧓ ᦔᦱᧂ ᦢᧁᧈ ᦷᦅᧃ ᦟᦰ.A tradition that has been handed down for three eras should not be abandoned.ᦔᦱᧂ ᦂᦸᧃᧈᦔᦱᧂ ᦆᦱᧁ ᦗᦻ ᦐᦱᧉᦔᦱᧂ ᦌᧁᦔᦱᧂ ᦺᦔᧈ ᦟᦸᧃᦔᦱᧂ ᦜᧂᦔᦱᧂ ᦜᧂ ᦶᦎᧈ ᦂᦸᧃᧈᦔᦱᧂ ᦩᦻᦗᦸᧅ ᦔᦱᧂ
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