When you click on Search in the menu, you will be able to access the main search function for the dictionary. Here you can enter search terms into the Search box. Clicking the Search button will search the dictionary for the words that you enter.
You can search using English or Tai Lue words. To type in Tai Lue click on the letters above the search box. Or click here to download a Tai Lue font for your computer.
The search results are weighted so that entries you are more likely to be interested in will rise to the top. For example, if “salt” is part of a headword, that entry will rise to the top. But if “salt” is in the definition of an entry, it will sink lower in search results.
The weighting is as follows:
If you get too many search results, you can limit your search by using the drop-down boxes for Language, or Part of Speech.
You can search on parts of words. If your search consists of three characters or less the search will not proceed (due to the possibility of getting too many results) and you will receive the message:
Because of the brevity of your search term, partial search was omitted.
Click here to include searching through partial words.
If you actually do want to search on such a brief item, click on the message and your search will proceed.
When search results are displayed your search term will be highlighted in light blue. This enables you to see at a glance the results that contain your search term.
When search results are displayed, you will notice that there are many links, underlined in blue. You can click on any link. If the link is a:
Sometimes it is useful to find words that are similar in meaning. This is hard to do in a normal printed dictionary. But it is easy with Webonary. This is because the words in the Dictionary are categorized into areas of meaning. Linguists call these areas of meaning Semantic Domains. To find words that belong to the same semantic domain do the following: