We are grateful and thankful to the following individuals and organizations for helping us in compiling and publishing this Dhimal-Nepali-English tri-lingual dictionary.
The initial activities on the development of the language: We needed to discuss at length on alphabets and writing styles before compiling the dictionary. In such a discussion, meaningful representation of the dialect community is met. Mr. Mohan Dhimal played a key role in organizing and bringing people to this conference where Dhimal Alphabets and writing styles were discussed.
Word Entry: Mr. Chandrakant Dhimal, Tilak Dhimal and Jivan Kumar Dhimal.
Technicians: For entering words, Mr. Diwakarman Shrestha, Anant Joshi and Ms. Resha Lhomi, and Language Development Adviser Dr. Netramani Dumirai of SILN have helped tremendously.
Community Discussion and Review: President Tej Bahadur Dhimal and Secretary Shree Kedar Dhimal of Dhimal Community Development Center, the current president Shree Nagendra Dhimal, and the chairman of Educational Department Shree Buddhalal Dhimal.
Dictionary Workshop: Dr. Som Dhimal, Dr. Karnkhar Khatiwada and Dr. Netramani Dumirai.
Community review check and language editing and reviewing: Shree Ganesh Dhimal, Shree Patra Dhimal, Shree Mohand Dhimal, Shree Buddhilal Dhimal, Shree Jivan Kumar Dhimal and Dr. Som Dhimal.
English proofreading: Mr. David Rutherford.