tabuadjspecial, sacred, holy, prohibited, taboo, forbidden, illegal, restricted.Minari mamo Urava Raku ya sisina reyo sana bi tabu vo nidedi.And then there at the place where Urava Raku's legend took place they have called it taboo/prohibited.Aire sori bi tabu gaganiri amededi.Humanlike spirits live in the spirit place. mokaunspec. comp. formdeep water spirit/taboo place near Amuraika village.Tabu moka okisi rafeyadiri, ari amuta nisi itu aura neyo.When they came and bathed at Deep Water taboo place, the day grew calm and a cold wind came down.tabu nimoi vava renaunspec. comp. formbelieve, trust.Tabu nimoi vava ga rebifa.Don't believe/trust (lit. 'say getting heat/authority/power') in the spirit place.