offering, peace / peace offeringsThis offering was instituted by Moses to the people by the direction of God (Lev Chapter 3 and Lev 7:11-21, 29:34). This offering was divided up between three different receivers: one part to God, another part to the priest and the third part to the giver. Because of this it was known as a communion or fellowship offering. This offering could be a sacrifice given for a blessing, or thanksgiving, it could also be given in a fulfilling of a vow and lastly given as part of the freewill offering. DTP Today we do not make a peace offering in a temple, but sometimes we give gifts to one another if we sense that we have hurt some or want to make amends to a person that we may have wronged, a way to show and ask for forgiveness. Plus, we may just want to show that we love and care for them. He is the Prince of Peace (Is 9:6). We should always bring to Him an offering of peace, through our words, gifts, and actions and it should flow out of thanksgiving and through a freewill heart.sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, Ex 20:24be a sacrifice of peace offering, Lev 3:1And this is the law of the sacriffice of the peace offerings, Lev 7:11given out of the sacrifices of peace offerings of the children of Israel. Lev 10:14And if ye offer a scarifice of peace offerings unto the LORD, Lev 19:5whosoever offereth a sacrifice of a peace offerings unto the LORD Lev 22:21for a sacrifice of peace offerings. Lev 23:19and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the LORD. Judg 20:26Bring hither a burnt offering to me, and peace offerings. 1 Sam 13:9and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. 2 Sam 24:25Solomon offered a sacrifice of peace offerings, 1 Kin 8:63I have peace offerings with me; Pro 7:14the priests shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings, Ezek 46:2neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts. Amos 5:22

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