Babylon It was prophesied by Jeremiah that the day was coming when Jerusalem would be destroyed and its people and treasures hauled off to Babylon; this took place around the year 605 BC and lasted until 536 BC. This is when God calls Ezra to go back and rebuild the Temple and for Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of the city of Jerusalem. Babylon was a rich and beautiful city full of temples to other gods and this is where the captives of Israel were taken.From a far country, even from Babylon 2 Kin 20:14 (Isa 39:3)Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon 2 Kin 25:1and carried the people away to Babylon Ezra 5:12Ezra went up from Babylon ... a ready scribe in the law Ezra 7:6by the rivers of Babylon there we sat Ps 137:1answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen Isa 21:9were carried away captive unto Babylon Jer 40:1the word that the LORD spake against Babylon Jer 50:1to destroy all the wise men of Babylon Dan 2:12and I will carry you away beyond Babylon Acts 7:43she who is in Babylon 1 Pet 5:13Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city Rev 14:8 (Rev 18:2)BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS Rev 17:5
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