olkonFrnbruit d'une foule de gens, bruit de moteur etc.Engnoise; racket - like the noise of the market; the noise of a party; the noise of people sitting and talking; the noise of a passing truckSynonymsdukosing: ko plur: ɗiolkooji
ommbirgaln1Frnclé, clef, cadenas, serrureEnga key; a tool used to close somethingSynonymscokirgal 1kufal 1omtirgalontirgal 12Frncouvercle, fermetureEnga lid - such as the lid to a glasses case (this does not include the lids of jars) or coverSynonymshippoodeommboodeuddoode3FrnporteEnga doorSynonymsgampuwalsing: ngal plur: ɗeommbirɗe
ommboodenFrncouvercle, fermetureEnga lid - such as the lid of a jar; a coverSynonymshippoodeommbirgal 1uddoodesing: nde plur: ɗeommbooɗe
ommboogonFrnpetite natte en paille pour fermer une entrée de maisonEnga small grass mat used as a door for a "buguuru"Comparebooyoowodeŋeleewosing: ngo plur: ɗiommbooɗi
omrenFrnfièvre de trois joursEngephemeral fever; three day fever - effects cattle; can be fatalSynonymsbaaligagadeltonngogel6.3.1Maladie d'animauxEngAnimal disesesFrnsing: nde