taaneg. aux. v/adv1Frnne pas faireEng(aux. v. w/ Neg. Imperative) do not2Frnque ce ne soit pasEng(adv w/ Neg. Subjunctive & Desiderative) so as notSynonymstinna taato3
taabawalfrançaisnFrntableEnga table5.1Équipement de la maisonEngHouse equipmentFrnsing: ngal plur: ɗetaabaaje
taacooriirenFrnpetite ulcération ou trou au bas du piedEnga small ulceration or hole in the bottom of the footSynonymsseera2.2.2MaladieEngDiseaseFrnsing: (n)de plur: ɗetaacooriije
taadaadev1Frnse mettre une couverture autourEngto wrap a "disaare" around yourself2Frnêtre circoncisEngto be circumcised -the passive "taadeede" is also used with the same senseSynonymshaddaade3Frnbourgeonner d'un arbuste quand les pluies commencent, prospérerEngthe greening of the bush when the rains begin; to flourish;Joonin o ladde taadeke sabo dunngu warii.FrnMaintenant l'arbuste va bourgeonner car les pluies ont commencé.EngNow the bush will flourish because the rains have come.Compareɓornaadeduhaadetaartaade
taadeedev1Frnlorsque qqn mette une couverture autour d'une femme ou un enfantEngfor a woman/child to have a cloth wrapped around her by someone else2Frnêtre circoncisEngto be circumcisedComparenguppaakuSynonymshaddaadehaddeedenanneede 1taadaade 1
taadudev1Frnenvelopper qqn d'une couvertureEngto wrap someone in a clothComparetaartude2Frncirconcire, exciserEngto circumcise, exciseSynonymshaddudenannude11
taadugolnFrnexcisionEngexcisionTaƴude ɓii-hottere maa toni hottere ɓikkoy ndewoy
taafudevFrnaccuser qqn faussement, accuser à tort, soupçonner à tortEngto falsely accuse or suspect someone;Taa taafee wondiiɓe mooɗon. (Wurt 20:16)FrnNe fais pas des fausses accusations contre ton prochain.EngDon't falsely accuse your neighbor.Synonymsjataade 1jikkude 1sekindesogudesuurude 1tuumude 1
taaludevFrnraconter une courte histoire, un conte ou une devinette, conterEngto recount or to tell a short story; fable or riddleComparefillaade 1Synonymstakkude 1
taaneerenFrnenclumeEngan anvilSynonymsteeneere6.7OutilEngToolFrnsing: nde plur: ɗetaaneeje
taaniiwonFrnpetit-fils, petite-filleEnga grandchild;Comparemaamiiwo 14.1.1ParentéEngKinshipFrnsing: o plur: ɓetaaniraaɓe
taanyudev1Frnaller où qqch se trouveEngto go to where something is;Nagge am rimii ley ceekol, kanaa mi taanya ngel, wartira.FrnMa vache a mis bas dans le lit du ruisseau. Je vais les ramener à la maison.EngMy cow gave birth in the creek bed, I need to go to the calf and bring it home [with the cow].Synonymsyahude2Frnchercher qqch ou qqn, rechercher, essayer de trouverEngto search for something or someone;Idrissa ɓoyii dillude, sanaa mi taanya mo.FrnIdrissa est parti depuis quelqu temps. Il faut que j'aille le chercher / trouver.EngIdrissa has been gone for some time, I should go looking for him.Synonymsfilaade 1
taaraadev1Frntourner autour de, encerclerEngto circle around;Ko waɗi aɗa taaroo e he'am?FrnPourquoi tu tournes autour de moi ?EngWhy are you circling around me?Synonymsfiilaade2Frns'enrouler (serpent)Engto coil - applies to snakesMumini tawii ngoowla na taarii dakkol sibiihi ki.FrnMoumini a trouvé une cobra enroulée près de cet arbre.EngMumini found a cobra coiled next to that tree.3Frnenrouler autour de, envelopper, emballer, enlacer, enserrerEngto wrap around - such as a vine wrapping around a post or when a python wraps itself around its prey;Mboddi taareke e koyngal makko.FrnU n serpent s'est enroulé autour de sa jambe.EngA snake wrapped/coiled around her leg.Comparefiilude 1taarude 1
taarden1Frncoussin, coussinetEnga cushion2Frnanneau en feuilles de palmier pour poser des pots, cerceauEnga ring made of palm leaves used to set pots or dishes on so they don't spill; a hoop3FrncercleEnga circlesing: nde plur: ɗetaare