Browse Fuyug – English
dapron1duc:Da ge gadi.We two will go.
dabn1dragonfly2shrimpuc:Dab Morsby andengo.There are shrimp in Port Moresby
dabinnrooster_combKokol hul uc:dabin hul hati andengo.The rooster's comb is on his head.
dadnoZNa uc:dad ongo huwan.I don't have any older sisters.
dadablnsteep_roadNa uc:dadabl lilin ete.I slid down the steep road.
dagal helavt1look_for2go in search ofNa ge em uc:dagal uc:hele.I have been looking for the village.
dalinterrwhouc:Dal tela?Who came?
dala etavtbreakKupe ge uc:dala uc:eta.The sweet potato has broken up.
dalaladjlargeEm hul lond uc:dalal.The inside of the house is large.
dalamnbroad_beanBisug hul if uc:dalam.One bean is called the broad bean.
dalinginterrwho-PLuc:Daling val telo?Who all would come from back there?
dannbridgeuc:Dan ge dalada.The bridge has broken.
-dandirsfxoutEs uc:endanti kolosi.The children are playing outside.
darayvivt/idriveNuni uc:darayvi.You drive.
davanivtbuyAn storti yalov uc:davani.People buy food in the store.
davarnseaVanang hukas uc:davariti andengo.There are a lot of boats in the ocean.