Browse Fuyug – English
fan1pancreasNa huwal hul fa.My pancreas.2tree_spFa hukas.There are a lot of lavender trees.
fad1adjroundKupe fade.Sweet potato is round.
fad2npartFad hukas tey gabiti.There are very many piles for the feast.
fadig etavtbreak_upTavil ge fadig eta.The metal broke up.
fafnshameNa faf hele.I was embarrassed.
fafegolviturnNal iyal fafegol hele.My hand turned.
fafivi1be_ashamed2be ashamed
fagi etavtpluckNu nal mal fagi eta.You plucked my body hair.
falngroundDeov huni fal tomala.God, He made the earth.
falavtwhipNa nu fale.I whipped you.
falabnscabNa falab hukas.I have lots of scabs.
falagnflagSikul hul falag yaling.The school's flag is hanging.
falaln1wingNemb hul falal fufuli.The bird's wing hurts.2ant
falal hadavtflyNemb falal hada.The bird flew.
falamnimageOvol hul falam inog.The statue of the pig is big.