Browse Fuyug – English
labanrubberLaba na indi enden na yu udidi.Give me the plastic container and I will carry water.
ladvtput_in_pileNa buk lad anda ma.I put the books in a pile.
lalavvtarrangeNa mab lalav.I arrange the marbles.
laynnlineDa layn im endanti.We were in a line outside.
laytnlightDa layt owal.Our light is here.
lekelk amavtrattleNa banik lekelk ameme.I rattle the can.
lelengvtlook_atNa nu leleng.I gaze at you.
lemnlemonTam lem na.Tom eats a lemon.
ligvtgrateNa kon lig hele.I grate the corn.
likonncanvasNul rediyo likoniti andengo.Your radio is on the canvas.
lilin etavidescendNa hin lilin eta, fati hindela.I slide down the pandanus, and came to the ground.
lindindadjunequalNal tapu lindind.I
lo mem hafom hul madnnot looking after the law
lo mem isel hele hul madn1lawlessness2not following the law