Browse Fuyug – English
obeldeicthere_closeBuk obel dib adad idengo.The books are there close on the wall.
obel heledeicthere_close_EMPHSlipas obel hele idengo.The thongs are sitting there close.
odnorderAkolog Ilo heng od ya.Today Ilo went up to place an order.
odelinterrwhereNa odel gadi?Where shall I go?
odel heleinterrwhere-EMPHNa odel hele gadi?Where should I go?
odelaveinterrhow_manyBuk odelave?How many books are there?
odeliminterrwhyOdelim mul hod fufuli.Why does their body hurt?
ofannstrap placed-around feet to climbNa ofan sogiti me hin yalala.I put the strap on my feet and climbed the pandanus.
ofisnofficeNa titiyel hul ofis gege.I went to the teacher's office.
ogndrillNal og enti andengo.My drill is in the house.
oknfireOk ge suda.The fire went out.
okecnjokayOke, da ge go.Okay, let's go.
okoadjsomeAwut oko na indi.Give me some tobacco.
ol1nfirewoodNa ol hukas ye.I got a lot of firewood.
ol2adjsleepyNal im ol.My eyes are heavy.