Browse Fuyug – English
sanleafNa henang hul sa hada.I burned the reed leaves.
sabablvtcook_in_stonesNa ovol muli sababli.I cooked the pork in the stones.
safaladjrottenHin ge safal.The pandanus has rotted.
safsafnpimpleSafsaf nal yengiti hindela.A pimple has come up on my face.
sagalavisnapI ge sagala.The tree snapped.
sagosgadjlimpNa sagosg sumeme.I limp as I walk.
salnsicknessIlof na uc:sal hele.Before I was sick
salatvtstraddleNa salat ovol tele ga.The sent the pig through my legs.
samalnaibikaIlof da samal ne.Before we two ate aibika.
samanna tree species with red inside and very hard woodSaman inog yol kuntu yungo.There are 'saman' trees up there on the mountain.
sambnsalivaNa ovol ne enden samb ete.I ate the pork and spit.
sambalnfenceAked patiti sambal ide mali.People put up a fence for the party.
samblosntamarilloNa samblos hukas.I have a lot of tamarillos.
samennlightSamen hukas endanti.It is very light outside.