Browse Fuyug – English
tacnjbutTa na ge gadi.But I will go.
ta itocnjneverthelessNa gan hukas sisiban ta ito . . . .I know a lot of Fuyug nevertheless . . . .
tabolocfarNal hindif tabo iteng.My knife is laying down far away.
tabu etavinumbNal sog ge tabuta.My foot has gone to sleep.
tadan heleadjredTapu tadan hele ange.I have red clothes on.
tadayitivtcarrying_under_armNa hamb tadayiti.I carry bananas under my arm.
tadekelaexclmexcuseTadekelo, na go.Excuse me, I'm going.
tagol iyalvtweakNa i yov tagol iyal angada.I ran into a vine and fell.
tagol yavttrapTagol ya, angada.Trap it and make it fall.
takocnjand, for nounsTako ga!And go!
takolnrugbyIlof di takoli.Before we played football.
talapnstring skirt for Kuni widowsVali talap anga.Vali was wearing a string skirt.
talasntree_spTalas nal em anga.There is a 'talas' tree in my village.
talatala sumemevistaggerNa talatala sumem, ta na spaki.I staggered because I was drunk.
talawusntabooTalawus nal em mem angadi.You are forbidden from coming to my house.
taleladvforeverDa tale sosol.We two are always working.
talonverandaNal kabes talotu anda ma.My cabbage was sitting on the veranda.
tamakanshoeNu tamaka yoval minda.You have three pairs of shoes.