Gonja - English
bekɔnɔsɔpo /e-nvanished people
bekɔrkɔpo /kɔ-njealous people
bekenipo /enwatchmen; warders; sentries
beko /ensome people, other people
bekpapo /enanimal drivers
bekul /e-nhusbands, husband's brothers
bekulche /enhusband's sisters
bekulnyen /enhusband's male relatives
bekumpo /e-nguards, soldiers, protectors
bekurgepo /enkindred, relatives, family
bekurwepo /enfamily, kindred
bel2vto ripen, to be sweet, to be hot, to be boiled, to be old
bel adɛvto be hot, to get fevermbe eyur bel adɛ -his/her body is hot, (she has fever)
bel akorobovto make bullets ( by the blacksmith)
bel asheŋ tonto grow in words, to become mighty
belav1to pack, to pack away; to remove; 2to care for, to bring up, to feed
bela /?npod (used to scrape the remnants in a pot)