Gonja - English
la3vto ben la kagbanyɛcheI am a Gonja womankagbanyɛche e la maI am a Gonja woman
la2vto make smooth, to plaster, to whitewash
la toVariantlo tovto be silent, to be quiet, to ignore, to not respond
lada /?nreward (from God) (expression used at funerals)
lafuavto comfort, to cool down
lajaga /alajagandark brown ant
lajagu /alajagunsoothsayer (title)
lalaadjgood, nice, fine, real
lalalogenlast of all, end, last
lambɛ /alambɛnsparrow hawk, (black all-over)
lambu /alambunchief's hall, hall, houseEbɔrɛ be lambu God's house, Temple
lamposɔpo /?protax collector
lantampoɛ /?npoisonous fish
lanto /?ncourtyard, house