Gonja - English
tatavto stand up on feet (after sickness)
taya /atayancatapult (made of innertubes)
tɔv1to buy2to roast, to bake, to fry
tɔna /?nprofit, gain, advantage
tɔnɔ /?nprofit, gain, advantage
tɔrto fall, to drop, to set (the sun)
tɔrɔvto be troubling, to trouble
teaVerbal infixalready (verbal infix, continuous tense)e tea wora kumohe is already doing it
tela /atelansewing machine
tempir /atempirngrass (kind of prickly grass)
teŋ2already (verbal infix present and past tense)e teŋ wora kumo he already did it
teŋ1vto slaughter, to cut the throat
teŋivto harvest, to cut the heads of the grain
teŋi tovto spread out (i.e. a mat), to stretch
tɛ2vto jump, to mend (clothes)