Gonja - English
toro /atoronspecial gown (very small one)
tuv1to reach (of time), to approach, to catch up withtu esa a yɔto go together with somebody2to spit, to voice out, to bring oout everything
tubavto repent (convert to Islam, not used for becoming a chirstian)
tugevto mind, to interrupt, to interfere, to pull apart
tulale /atulalenperfume, spices, balm, balsam
turko /a-npush truck (small)
tushivto be hot (of food etc.)
tushisoadjhot (to the touch, e.g. water, food, metal)
tutondad, fathern tuto nde this is my father
tuwevto mind, to interrupt, to interfere, to pull apart