Gonja – English
ba loŋvto happen, to be like that, come like that
ba na sovto carry on, to keep walking
ba sɔvto come and collect
baaprothey - in the progressive present, followed by a verbbaa yɔ epethey are going home
baaŋprothey will - the future tense, followed by a verb
bachagenashes for soapmaking
bacharenashes for soapmaking
baga /?nconcernma baga maŋ wɔtaI am not concerned
baga kɔnɔ tovto move the jaws as if chewing
baga tovto stir (a soup), to stir up
bakwe /abakwenweek (seven days)
bananleft bana soon the left
banaga /abanaganshort wide gown with many colors
banda /?nrafter, something to dry fish in