Gonja – English
finv1to find, to look for, to seek, to search, to fetch, wish2to pinch
fin kulubivto find fault, to accuse, to provoke
fin mbovto seek appraisal
finiconjunctionthat, like, as, as if (West Gonja)
fir n chavto join, to cling to, to wrap around
firgevto slip, to fly away
firgivto slip, to fly away
firgi n taga tovto come near, to draw near
firgi n yɔvto shift, to push away
fo3proyour, 2nd pers. sg. poss
fo2vto reach, to arrive, to suffice, to be fit for
fo11proyou, 2nd pers. sg, thou2you, 2nd pers. sg, thee
fo kraa jigreeting somebody at meals ( lit. you are still eating)
fo peyaprothine, yours (without object)
fo sovto surpass, to equalize
foevto be lost, to perish, to err, to go astray, to miss, to be wrong