Gonja – English
jabadu /?ntail of squirrel
jabeta /ajabetansmall housebat
jafulonge /?nreed buck (grey)
jagaadjfoolish, idle, in vain, without reason, for nothing, void
jagajagaadvin vain, aimlessly, often
jajavto spoil, to be rotten, to destroy, to waste
jaja kakilvto commit adultery
jakpoŋkpoŋ /?npoisonous fish
janjelaŋ /?nmusical instrument with strings
janwuo /ajanwuonthorn tree, (largest thorn tree in the savannah forest)
jasakpa /ajasakpanGaboon viper, puff adder
jɔvfetch, draw (water), bail (water) chuck (as in chucking meat)