Gonja – English
mbre /ka-11ntoday pl.2pfxmbrebi - people of today
mbre-pfxtoday's mbreebi - people of this generation, today's people
mbuibi /ka-nbirds, evil spiritse kɔ mbuibi - he/she is possessed
mbuibi lubi /?nevil spirits, demons
mbuibilubiwuraVariantmbuibiwuranowner of evil spirits, witch, wizzard, madman
mbul /ka-n1tails (hairy)2jaundice, yellow fever
mbusha /?npacification of the spirits
mbusuVariantmbushhundisaster, misfortune, difficulty, calamity, blasphemy, curse,
mɔlvto crowd, to gather, to threaten (of rain)
mɔlgavsafe, deliver, set free
mɔlmɔlbiadjsmooth, soft (of hair)
mɔnvrefuse to give, prevent
mɔsavto bail out, to collect out
meavwrap around. cloth, dress
mege tovsearch, examine, scrutinize
melv1to be thick, to crowd2to wear (shorts and loto)
mervclick, twist, screw up