Gonja – English
ntekpa /ka-nhoes (middle size for farming)
ntesaŋ /ka-ndrinking bowls, brass pans
ntɛrɛ /ka-nferrymen, boatmen
nti /ke-nhair left at the forehead of little children (pl)
ntimpeni /ka-nlarge talking drums
ntoa /ka-nbelts for bullets
ntowa /ka-nbelts for bullets
ntua /?nleather bags with many small compartments, used by hunters
ntuŋ /ka-n1groups, orders2times (arithmatic)
nuv1to listen, to hear, to understand2to be too difficultekuloŋ be kefar nu mait is too hard for me to sail the boat
nu esa be kɔnɔvto provoke, to tempt somebody
nusounknownhow, whate du nuso - how is he/she?nuso nɛ e du? how is he/she? (how that he/she is?)
nuuvto drink, to smoke, to diminish (water drying up in the river)
nwa /ka-nvery big calabashes
nwɔlputi /ka-ncushions (made of leather)
nwiebi /ka-nsmall calabashes, cups (of calabash origin)