Gonja – English
ya2Verbal infixverbal particle, indicating direction away from the speaker
ya1vto wither, to shed (leaves)
yala yalaunknown doubtful, wondering
yalgavto please, to desire strongly, to long for, to yearn
yaravto send far away, to deport, to delegate
yawu /?sp. var.yawovtrade, priceji yawu -- to trade
yɔɔvto lower, to cool yourself down, to be coolhearted
yɔɔ tovto loosen, to make free
yeŋ tovbecome wild, behave in a confused manner
yeŋivto be startled, to be amazed, to be astonishedma kagbene yeŋiI was frightened (my heart was startled)
yeŋi tovto be excited, to be startled
yeravto lead, to dispatch, to take along, to pull out, to ebb (of the sea)
yɛrVariantyarvto send on the way, to accompany, to dispatch
yɛr lalalogeVariantlalaluwevto place last, to put last
yigevto stop, to leave alone, to forsake, to dismiss, to allow
yilvto stand, to be standing