Browse Halbi - English


अँईटी खाड़ूə̃iʈi kʰaɽucnEngtype of silver banglehollow inside with raised bevel design on ends5.4.1Jewelrycomp. ofखाड़ू
अँईटी खाड़ू
अँकालə̃kalnEngfamineHinअकाल; दुर्भिक्ष; दुष्‍काल4.4.2Trouble8.1.7.2Lackअँकाल पोड़ूकə̃kal poɽukcomVb1Engfamine to occurHinभूखे मरना failure8.1.7.3Need2Engto be a famine4.4.2Trouble6.2.5.2Crop failure4.4.2.4Disaster
अँगə̃ɡcfदेहेंधड़nEnghuman bodyHinशरीर; बदनमाता चारी अँग आसोत।The smallpox is all over the body.2.1Body828Ethnopsychology826Ethnoanatomyचारी अँगtʃari ə̃ɡcfचारी गतरcomp. ofगतरचारीcn1Engall over bodyमाता चारी अँग आसोत।The smallpox is over the entire body.2.1Body2Engwhole body2.1Body2.4Body condition
अँगरेसीãɡresipnEngEnglish personजनम ते खान ले आँगरेसी आए।I have spoken English since birth.2Person
अँजराə̃dʒracfपोसरीnEngdouble handful of water, rice, dal, etc.Hinदोहाथ भरअँजरा धरतो के हूता हून असन देऊन दीला मने।At the time of taking the bundle, there he gave it (to him). 8.2.8Measure802Numerationएक अँजराek ə̃dʒracnEngone double handful8.1.3.1Many, much8.1.1.4Multiples
अँडकाə̃ɖkacfअँडकीn1EngthumbHinअँगूठा; अँगुष्‍ठ2.1.3.3Finger, toe826Ethnoanatomy2Engbig toeHinअंगूठा, toe826Ethnoanatomy
अँडकीə̃ɖkicfअँडकाn1EngfingerHinअँगुली; ऊँगलीकोहनी ले आऊर हात चो अँडकी ले एके हातक बोलूआत।From the elbow to the finger they will call that one cubit., toe826Ethnoanatomy2EngtoeHinपैर की उंगलीपाएँ चो अँडकी अएसा खजाएसे।(My) toes are really itchy., toe826Ethnoanatomyअँडकी दकाऊकə̃ɖki dəkaukcfदकाऊकder. ofदकूक1 3comVbEngto pointHinउँगली करना; दिखाना, let someone see3.5.8.4Show, indicate3.5.6.2Point atचीनी अँडकीtʃini ə̃ɖkicn1Englittle fingerHinअँगुली, toe2Englittle toe2.1.3.3Finger, toeजकना आँडकीdʒəkna ə̃ɖkicn1Engdeformed fingeras when have extra thumb or joined toes2.5.4.5Birth defect2.1.3.3Finger, toe2Engdeformed toe2.5.4.5Birth defect2.1.3.3Finger, toeपाएँ चो आँडकीpaẽ tʃo ãɖkicnEngtoe (other than big toe)पाएँ चो आँडकी अएसा खजाएसे।(My) toes are really itchy., toeसूसरा अँडकीsusra ə̃ɖkicnEngmiddle finger2.1.3.3Finger, toe
अँडारूकə̃ɖaruktrVbEngto dip out something with handsas fish or rice from a water pot5.2.1Food preparation
अँदलə̃dəlnEngchatteringHinबकबक3.5.1Say3. a lot3.5.5Foolish talkअँदल छाड़ूकə̃dəl tʃʰaɽukcomVb1Engto chatterHinबकबक करना; चिलाना3.5.1Say3.5.5Foolish talk2Engto make a lot of noise2.3.2.4Loud2.3.2.3Types of sounds
अँदल छाड़ूकə̃dəl tʃʰaɽukcomVb1Engto chatterHinबकबक करना; चिलाना3.5.1Say3.5.5Foolish talk2Engto make a lot of noiselaughing or crying2.3.2.4Loud2.3.2.3Types of soundsph. v. ofअँदलछाड़ूक