अक2əknEngone of somethingHinएकआरू पासे नाई, काए तो, असनी हून थाने दोनक चीपड़क मोनाऊआत गूलाए गाँव चो लोग।And after that, umm, just like this at that place they will make individual little leafdishes (for) the whole village. numbers802Numerationredupजोड़क जोड़कजोड़ीबोरसकborsəkadjEngtightबोरसक गठेआऊकborsək ɡəʈʰeaukcomVbEngto tightenHinकसनाहारकharəknEngone time; one turnHinएक बार; एक मोड़मोएँ हारक चेगेंदे।I will climb up (onto something) one time.आगे हारक एऊरोलाता।They had come one time previously.
अक चकाऊकək tʃəkaukcomVb1Engto be perplexedHinहैरान करनाThe Hindi word हैरान करना means 'to perplex' be puzzledHinगम्भीर विचार करनाThe Hindi phrase गम्भीर विचार करना means 'to puzzle over' gape with surpriseHinविस्मित करनाआऊर अक चकान होला मने। And they gaped in surprise.The Hindi विस्मित करना means 'to be wonder struck, amazed, surprised'. v. ofअक1चकाऊकचकाऊकअक1अक चकानcomAdjperplexed
अकतेआरəktearn1EngdaringHinबहादुरीespecially used in critical, negative senseहून लगे लोग चो जातो अतेार नी आए।At that place, the people going aren't foolhardy.साहसिकताजोखिमी; दुःसाहसीमूर्खता Traits152Drives and Emotions
अगीनəɡincfआईग2nEngfireHinअग्नि; आगअगीन पाट सूरीज पाट आऊर सींगार बाँगार नक मूंडी ले आऊर तीप चूँदी ले होली मने रानी होतो के।Fire-like gold cloth, sun-like gold cloth and jewellery from the tip of toes to the top of her head... it became at the time of becoming a queen.5.5Fire822Ethnophysics
अचानətʃanadvEngfirst timeHinपहली बार8.4.3Indefinite time802Numeration805Ordering of TimeअचानकətʃanəkadvEngfirst timeHinपहली बारएता अचानक ईलू।We came here for the very first time.8.4.3Indefinite time