ई1icfए1एई1demEngthis very one; this very thing Hinयही बात; यही वालाई पाटthis very path9.2.3.5Demonstrative pronouns2ppronEng3rd person,singular, emphaticई मनthese very people
ईआ जाहाia dʒahacnEngpolite speechpolite speech form used between kinship dyads: sas-buari, susra-buari, susra-dʒũae (bʰoin-dʒũae), parallel cousins of opposite sex, bʰaudʒ-HuYBr, plus most ritual friendships.3.5.1Say4.3.1.2Meet a standardcomp. ofder. ofएऊकआ12जाऊकएऊकजाऊक
ईकikn > nEngdiminutiveहून थाने दोनाईक देऊन देऊआत सगा लोग के, घर चो लोग के, जमाए के।At that place they will give out the leaf dishes to the kinfolk, the the household, to everyone.
ईजीतidʒitn1EngshameHinलज्जातूके ईजीत नी आए।You have no shame.अपमान; कलंक3.ईजीत करूकidʒit kərukcomVbEngto accuse falselyHinइज्जत उतारना, confrontईजीत धरूकidʒit dʰərukcomVbEngto cause disgrace to someone; to cause shame to someoneHinईरादार करना; कलंकित करनामोएँ तूम्के ईजीत धरू आएं चोरला बोलून।I will cause you shame when I say they stole it.मोंए तूम्चो ईजीत धरले।I disgraced you.ईजीत धरला हून बेजती करलो बीता मन।Those adulterers were disgraced/shamed.by telling others, can be false or true3., confrontईजीत होऊकidʒit houkcomVbEngto be accused; to be shamed; to be disgraced4.7.5.3Accuse, confront
ईजीत धरूकidʒit dʰərukcomVbEngto cause disgrace to someone; to cause shame to someoneHinईरादार करना; कलंकित करनामोएँ तूम्के ईजीत धरू आएं चोरला बोलून।I will cause you shame when I say they stole it.मोंए तूम्चो ईजीत धरले।I disgraced you.ईजीत धरला हून बेजती करलो बीता मन।Those adulterers were disgraced/shamed.by telling others, can be false or true3., confrontph. v. ofईजीतधरूक