Halbi - English

1u1vEngconjunctive, completive काए भूलकू रोला? What had they forgotten? dial. var.22vEng1st person, plural, optative mood असनी, "नँगत होतो बाई मन काजे आऊर पानी काँजी अछा होओ," बोलते हून चो थाने आमचो गाँव चो लोग मन जतरा नीकरू करू। Saying just like this, "For the women giving birth, let there be good clean water," our village's people ought not to (need to) do sacrifice ceremony.3vEng2nd person, singular, imperative moodहूता सूनाऊ! Make us hear there! 4v > nEngnominaliser markerआऊर हून थाने हून के गातू मूरेआतोर आए।And at that place one is to begin knotting (the string).5v > adjEngmarker added to verb to convert to an adjectiveतेबे हून कमाऊ लोग मन घेनून खाऊ लोग मन के बोलूआत। Therefore those who farm will say to those who eat what they buy.6adjEngemphatic markerगूर चीवड़ा कलोआ मीठोआ सबू बानी धरला मने। They took juggery, rice snacks, sweets, everything.
2urelMrkrEngrelator, normal plus
ऊअहासuəhasdial. var.ऊसहासvEng2nd person, plural, future2 tense
ऊआँvEng1st person, plural, optative mood
ऊआuavEng2nd person, plural, imperative mood
ऊआऊँuaũbgwबूvEng1st person, plural, future2 tense
ऊआएँuaẽvEng1st person, singular, future2 tense
ऊआएuaedial. var.सीHin. borr.एगाvEng3rd person, singular, future2 tense
ऊआटuaʈnEngsupposition; opinionHinपूर्व-कल्पना; रायमचो ऊआट ने ऊसन दका नी देएIn my opinion it doesn't look like that.3.2.5Opinion3.2Thinkऊआट करूकuaʈ kərukcomVb1Engto suppose9. so2Engto opinionate
ऊआट करूकuaʈ kərukcomVb1Engto suppose9. so2Engto opinionateph. v. ofऊआटकरूक
ऊआटूकuaʈukvEngto suppose9. so
ऊआतuatvEng3rd person, plural, future2 tense
ऊआसuasvEng2nd person, singular, future2 tense
ऊकukbgwके2vEnginfinitiveसोऊ रोलो आऊर पासे भात खाऊक ऊटाला।He had slept and afterwards they made him get up to eat rice.
ऊकड़ाऊकukɽaukcvVbEngto make boilHinउबालना; चुड़ाना methods
ऊकड़ूकukɽukitVbEngto boilHinखदकनाघोरून भाती पासे ऊकड़ली आले ऊतरातोर आए।After having handmixed, afterwards when it's boiled, it is to be taken off the fire. methods
ऊकनूकuknuktrVb1Engto pull up by rootsऊकनून ऊकनून रपतोर आए।Having pulled up the whole plants, they are to be planted (again elsewhere).6.2Agriculture2Engto transplant3Engto uprootआऊर एक दीन ईला आऊर बोड़ रूक के ऊकनला आऊर पोकान दीला।And one day they came and they uprooted a banyan tree and they threw it away.
ऊकर फूकूकukər pʰukukcomVbEngto blow a on shellph. v. ofफूकूक1
ऊकरूकukrukcfऊकलूकvEngto come apart7.5.1.1Separate, scatter7.5.2.4Remove, take apartऊकूर भूकूरukur bʰukurcnEnghappiness3.4.1.2Happyऊकूर भूकूर भूकूरukur bʰukur bʰukursoundEnghappy sound3.4.1.2Happy2.3.2.3Types of soundsऊकूर भूकूर लागूकukur bʰukur laɡukcomVbEngto feel happinessnot appropriate to feel when there's been a death3.ऊकूर भूर भूरukur bʰur bʰursoundEnghappy sound3.4.1.2Happy2.3.2.3Types of soundsजीऊ ऊकराऊकdʒiu ukraukcomVbEngto cause to be broken-heartedHinदुखानाthis is what the person for whom the broken-hearted one is longing does9.1.1.2Become, change state9.6.2.5Causeजीऊ ऊकरूकdʒiu ukrukcomVb1Engto be broken-hearted9.1.1.2Become, change state2.1.8.1Heart3.4.2.1Sad2Engto be homesickएबे काए मोंजा एऊँसे हासूँसे डँडीख नी रोले तुमचो काजे आमके जीऊ ऊकरेसे।Now how beautifully we are coming, we are laughing (and enjoying you), when (you're) not here for a while we are feeling homesick for you. miss someone
ऊकलूकuklukcfऊकरूकvEngto come apartsuch as when clothes become unfolded in suitcase7.5.1.1Separate, scatter7.5.5.1Disorganized