Halbi - English

o1vEng3rd person, singular, optative moodहो चीगड़ू साँगो।Yes, Chingaru should tell.आऊर हून पोंगनाहा मन आऊर लोग मन के काईं होओ माँगूआत आऊर हून लोग मन हून मँगू बीता के नी दीलेने हून पोंगनाहा मन हून नी देऊ लोग मन के पाँगूात।And that male witch will beg from others, whoever they may be, and if those people don't give to the begging one, those male witches will curse those who don't give.2vEng2nd person, singular, imperative moodतेबे, "नी आए बाबू नी आए," बोलतो के, "जाओ जाओ," बोलून भाती नाई हून बोड़गी ने कोचकून देओत पेट ने।Then, at the time of saying, "I don't have it, Babu, I don't have it," after having said, "go! go!" they poke her in the stomach with that stick.comp.आओ जाओएऊकजाऊकid.आओ जाओएऊकजाऊक3n > possnEngpossessiveहून चो घरो धान ने गेली।It went into his house's paddy rice.4dimsnEnglarge size5cnvsufEng nominaliser
ओ बापरेo bapreexclEngidiomatic expression similar to 'Oh god!'
ओआड़ीoaɽinEngtype of curtain6.5.2.5Window
ओआड़ूकoaɽukcfओड़ाऊकder. ofओड़ूकv1Engto string2Engto stretch out
ओएoeexclEngexclamation of positive responseused in answer to a call
ओएकूकoekuk1itVbEngto gag2.2Body functions2vEngto retch2.5.2.3Stomach illness2.1.1.4Mouth
ओएगूकoeɡuktrVb1Engto scoop crabs out of holes in field7.8.6Dig6.2.9Farmland2Engto clean out baby's mouthand use finger covered with a cloth5.6.1Clean, dirty2.1.1.4Mouth
ओओलoolnEnglikenessHinसदृशताबा बीता असन ओओल आए।(He) looks like his father., model
ओकनीoknicfकँदीढेंड़गाnEnglouse found in people's hair and in animals' furHinजूं
ओकारूकokarukvEnguncertain meaning
ओकासीokasinEngvomitHinउल्टी2.2Body functionsder. ofओकूकओकासी एऊकcomVbto become sick; to throw up
ओकासी एऊकokasi eukcomVbEngto become sick; to throw upमके ओकासी एते रोली।I had become sick.2.5.1Sick2.2Body functionsph. v. ofएऊकओकासीder. ofओकूकएऊकओकूक
ओकीokinEngvomitingHinउल्टीहून मन चो गाँव मन ने अएसा ओकी झडा होएधसे।The people of their village were very sick vomiting and with diarreha. illness2.2Body functions
ओकूकokukvEngto vomitमके ओकासी एते रोली।I was vomiting. illness2.1.1.4MouthओकासीokasinEngvomitHinउल्टी2.2Body functionsओकासी एऊकokasi eukcomVbEngto become sick; to throw upमके ओकासी एते रोली।I had become sick.2.5.1Sick2.2Body functions
ओगतानoɡtanadjEngugly; repulsiveHinकुरूप; घनौनाओगतान बोनाऊकoɡtan bonaukcomVbEngto neglectHinख़याल न करना a child
ओगतान बोनाऊकoɡtan bonaukcomVbEngto neglectHinख़याल न करना a childph. v. ofबोनाऊकओगतान
ओगाएoɡaeadjEngquietHinचुपचाप; शांतआऊर ओगाए होलासे मेने, रस रस रस रस हासीन बोलेसे मने।And she has become quiet. nothingओगाए रोऊकoɡae roukcomVbEngto be quietHinचुप रहनाए ओगाए राहा जमाए लोग।Hey, be quiet you all! nothingओगाए होऊकoɡae houkcomVbEngto become quiet"कसन राजा, ओगाए होलाहास?""What is it, my husband, you have become quiet?" nothing
ओगाए रोऊकoɡae roukcomVbEngto be quietHinचुप रहनाए ओगाए राहा जमाए लोग।Hey, be quiet you all! nothingph. v. ofओगाएरोऊकरोऊकओगाए
ओगाए होऊकoɡae houkcomVbEngto become quiet"कसन राजा, ओगाए होलाहास?""What is it, my husband, you have become quiet?" nothingph. v. ofहोऊकओगाएओगाए
ओगेoɡeborr. fr. Hinसे
ओटnEnglipHinओठ2.1Body2.1.1.4Mouthओट फूटूकoʈ pʰuʈukcomVbEnglips to splitओट फूटेसे।(My) lips are splitting7.8.4Tear, rip2.1.1.4Mouth
ओट फूटूकoʈ pʰuʈukcomVbEnglips to splitओट फूटेसे।(My) lips are splitting7.8.4Tear, rip2.1.1.4Mouthph. v. ofओटफूटूकफूटूकओट
ओटीoʈinEngpocketHinजेबwhich is usually a fold in the clothing5.3Clothing
ओड़ गोड़ीoɽ ɡoɽicomAdjEngdraggedHinघसीटा slowlycomp. ofओड़ूकओड़ गोड़ी होऊकcomVbto become dragged

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