खकारूकkʰəkarukvEngto clear throatHinखखारनालोग मन टोंड बाटले खकारून थूकूआत। People having cleared their throat will spit. 2.1Body2.1.1.4Mouth
खँगारkʰə̃ɡarnEngbanditHinडाकूहूनके हून खँगार मारलो मने खीनीक असन फोरसी ने।The bandit cut her a little with an axe.2Person6.8.9.1StealThe Hindi term is commonly used to refer to a criminal, especially one who engages in robbery or other illegal activities.खँगार मनkʰə̃ɡar məncfचोरcnEngthieves; banditsHinचोर; डाकूlie in wait along the paths and roads; make a practice of banditry2Person6.8.9.1Steal
खँगार मनkʰə̃ɡar məncfचोरcnEngthieves; banditsHinचोर; डाकूlie in wait along the paths and roads; make a practice of banditry2Person6.8.9.1Stealcomp. ofखँगारमन1
खँगूकkʰə̃ɡukvEngto decrease; to shortenas in life to shorten
खँजाkʰə̃dʒanEngearring typelarge and covered in gold leaf 5.4.1Jewelry
खजाऊकkʰədʒaukv1Engto itch; to scratchHinखुजाना; खुजलानातूई खजाए होएसीस।You are becoming itchy.2.5.1Sick2.5.2DiseaseHindi phrase खुजाली उठना means 'itch' and खुजलाना means 'scratch'खजाए होऊकkʰədʒae houkcomVbEngto be itchyHinखुजली होनातूई खजाए होएसीस।You are becoming itchy.2.3.5Sense of touch
खटूkʰəʈunEngholyman's sandal; wooden sandal usually worn by holymenHinचरण चापलहून चो नाव ने खटू आऊर चीमटा काए काए बीती मोनाला।In the spirit's, they made Khatu (holyman's sandals), Chimta (tongs), and whatever else.5.3ClothingThe Hindi term refers to the footwear of a revered or holy individual, often associated with spiritual leaders or saints.
खटूकkʰəʈukcfकरूकvEngto performघर जूँआएँ मन खटूकलाए नी सकोत मने। The sons-in-law are not able to perform (the tests).9.1.2Do
खटेआkʰəʈeanEngbedHinबिस्तरखटेआ के नेऊन दीलो।He took them a bed.5.1.1Furnitureखटेआ खटीईkʰəʈea kʰəʈiicnEngbed
खँडkʰə̃ɖnEngbank of river; river bank; lake edgeHinकिनाराmay also refer to other kinds of locationsआऊर हून जनम धरलो के, एक दीन आए काए दूई दीन आए, हूताए ची आसे मने, समधूर चो खँडे।It was one or two days from when he took her at birth, he is just there on the lake's bank.नँदी खँडेnə̃di kʰə̃ɖecnEngburning place; at river bankHinश्मशान घाट2.6.6.3Funeral2.6.6Die5.5.4Burnपोटेल खँडेpoʈel kʰə̃ɖecnEnglake bank
खँडाऊकkʰə̃ɖaukvEngto forgiveमचो पाप खँडान करा माहापोरू।Free me from my sin, Lord. खँडान करूकkʰə̃ɖan kərukcomVbEngto forgive sin"हे राम, मके खँडान करा, राम।"(He went to the lake saying,) "Oh Ram, forgive my sins, Oh Ram."
खँडान करूकkʰə̃ɖan kərukcomVbEngto forgive sin"हे राम, मके खँडान करा, राम।"(He went to the lake saying,) "Oh Ram, forgive my sins, Oh Ram." v. ofखँडाऊककरूक