Halbi - English

घगड़ाɡʰəɡɽanEnglarge brass potHinबड़ा पीतल का बर्तनहूता घगड़ा के ओड़ू रोतोर आए।There a large brass pot is to be hung (to catch the juice).
घगराɡʰəɡracfगूँडी2घँगारnEngbrass potHinबंटा; बड़ा बर्तनused for carrying water1.2.2.3Metal6.7.7Containerघगरा भोंडूआɡʰəɡra bʰõɖuacnEngpots (generic term)6.7.7Container
घँगारɡʰə̃ɡarcfगूँडी2घगराnEnglarge potHinबंटा; बड़ा बर्तनlarger than ɡʰəɡra but same shapeआऊर घँगार ने रीकाऊआत।And they will pour into a large 'ɡʰə̃ɡar' pot.8.2Big6.7.7Container
घँघार धरɡʰə̃ɡʰar dʰərpnEngGhangar Dhar
घटमालɡʰəʈmalnEngtuberculosis of the neck glandsHinकर्कश गर्दन; क्षय; गर्दन की लाल गांठों का टीबी; तपेदिक2.5.1Sick2.5.2Disease
घटवारीɡʰəʈwaricfघटवारीनder. ofघटवारीnEngboatmanHinकेंवत; मल्‍लाह7.घटवारीनɡʰəʈwarincfघटवारीnEngboatwomanHinनाविक; नाविका; नावीन7.
घटाऊकɡʰəʈaukvEngto be leftoveras when spend half pay and leave half8.1.7.4Remain, remainder
घड़ घड़ूकɡʰəɽ ɡʰəɽukcomVbEngto flare upas flames when a lot of timber on fire5.5Fireph. v. ofघड़ूक
घड़र घड़रɡʰəɽər ɡʰəɽərsoundEngmanner of driving cart
घड़वाँɡʰəɽwãcfघसनीनnEngcaste nameHinताम्रशालाwork with aluminium4.1.4.1Social classघड़वा काँसɡʰəɽwa kãscnEngmixed bronze1.2.2.3Metal7.5.3.1Pure, unmixed
घड़ीɡʰəɽinEngwristwatchHinघड़ी, watch
घड़ूकɡʰəɽukv1Engto flare5.5Fire2Engto form into shape with handssuch as moulding earth or clayहून भूलकलो लोग लोग मन चो मोंज फूरे जनम ईले कोचो आईंक नी रोए कोचो कान नी रोए जे बीती के घड़तो बेरा भूलकू रोलेने हून बीती रोऊनूआए मने। Those forgotten people, when they are born, whosever eyes are missing, whosever ears are missing, those things when forgotten at the forming time will not be there.घड़ घड़ूकɡʰəɽ ɡʰəɽukcomVbEngto flare upas flames when a lot of timber on fire5.5Fire
घड़ेआऊकɡʰəɽeaukvEngto foldHinघड़ी करनाcloth and other small itemsसूकाला आले घड़ेआन भारी सँगाऊआत।When they have dried (and) after folding up (the cloth), they will put (it) away.7.5Arrange8.घड़ेआन काचूकɡʰəɽean katʃukcomVbEngto wash folded clothesclothes are bunched in pleats to make it easier to pound them6.6.1Working with cloth5.3Clothing5.6.4Wash clothes
घड़ेआन काचूकɡʰəɽean katʃukcomVbEngto wash folded clothesclothes are bunched in pleats to make it easier to pound them6.6.1Working with cloth5.3Clothing5.6.4Wash clothesph. v. ofकाचूकघड़ेआऊकऊन 1घड़ेआऊककाचूक
घनɡʰənnEngtimeHinबार-बारकाए तो घन ऊटे घन बोसे देओ चेगतो बेरा।Umm, again and again it gets up, again and again it sits, during the spirit possessing time.8.4.3Indefinite timeघन घनɡʰən ɡʰəncomAdv1Engagain and againHinअकसर; बार - बारए बोले जानू "हूता जानू खटके नी नेएँ, नी जाएँ टाकरागूड़ा नीले बोले पोरान एएँदे घन घन" बोलेसे।"Hey, I absolutely won't take to there, I won't go, if ever they take (me) to Takragura I will run away again and again" she is saying.8.4.5Relative time2EngfrequentlyHinअक्सर; बार-बार8.
घन घनɡʰən ɡʰəncomAdv1Engagain and againHinअकसर; बार - बारए बोले जानू "हूता जानू खटके नी नेएँ, नी जाएँ टाकरागूड़ा नीले बोले पोरान एएँदे घन घन" बोलेसे।"Hey, I absolutely won't take to there, I won't go, if ever they take (me) to Takragura I will run away again and again" she is saying.8.4.5Relative time2EngfrequentlyHinअक्सर; बार-बार8. ofघन
घनटाɡʰənʈan1EnghourHinघन्‍टाखूब घन्टा बाई(It takes) many hours, Bai.8.4.1Period of time2Engbell; gongHinघंटीlocated at god-houses4.2.3.5Musical instrument
घनटा तीनकɡʰənʈa tinəkcnEngthree hours8. of the day8.4.1.2Day
घनटीɡʰənʈinEngschool-bellHinघन्‍टी3.6.2School4.2.3.5Musical instrumentघनटी मूटलाɡʰənʈi muʈlacnEnggong and mallet4.2.3.5Musical instrument
घरɡʰərHin. borr.गढ़nEnghouseHinघरहून माटी देऊन भाती घरे एऊआत।After having buried him they will come to the house.6.5.1Building3434 Structuresकचरी घरkətʃri ɡʰərcn1Engcourthouse4.7.4Court of law6.5.1Building2Engoffice building6.5.1.2Types of houses6.5.1Building3Enghouse of an important man6.5.1.1House4.5.6.1High status6.5.1Buildingघर जूँआएँɡʰər dʒũaẽcnEngson-in-law"मचो घरे रा, मचो बेटी कजे घर जूँआएँ रा!" बोलेसे मने। by marriageघरे छाँडूकɡʰəre tʃʰãɖukcomVbEngto leave behind at house6.5.1.1House7.4.5.1Leave something7.2.3.3Leaveचल्‍तो घरtʃəlto ɡʰərcnEnghouse of someone of same caste6.5.1.1House2.6.4.8Peer group4.1.4.1Social classजहेल घरdʒəhel ɡʰərcnEngjailHinजेट कारागार4.7.7.3Imprisonजीऊ घरdʒiu ɡʰərcnEngheartHinप्रिय; कलेजा2.1Body2.1.8.1Heart
घर चेचɡʰər tʃetʃcnEngvegetable typegreen leafed and cultivated1.5Plant5. from vegetables
घर जूँआएँɡʰər dʒũaẽcnEngson-in-law"मचो घरे रा, मचो बेटी कजे घर जूँआएँ रा!" बोलेसे मने। by marriagecomp. ofघरजूँआए