घगड़ाɡʰəɡɽanEnglarge brass potHinबड़ा पीतल का बर्तनहूता घगड़ा के ओड़ू रोतोर आए।There a large brass pot is to be hung (to catch the juice).
घँगारɡʰə̃ɡarcfगूँडी2घगराnEnglarge potHinबंटा; बड़ा बर्तनlarger than ɡʰəɡra but same shapeआऊर घँगार ने रीकाऊआत।And they will pour into a large 'ɡʰə̃ɡar' pot.8.2Big6.7.7Container
घड़ूकɡʰəɽukv1Engto flare5.5Fire2Engto form into shape with handssuch as moulding earth or clayहून भूलकलो लोग लोग मन चो मोंज फूरे जनम ईले कोचो आईंक नी रोए कोचो कान नी रोए जे बीती के घड़तो बेरा भूलकू रोलेने हून बीती रोऊनूआए मने। Those forgotten people, when they are born, whosever eyes are missing, whosever ears are missing, those things when forgotten at the forming time will not be there.घड़ घड़ूकɡʰəɽ ɡʰəɽukcomVbEngto flare upas flames when a lot of timber on fire5.5Fire
घनɡʰənnEngtimeHinबार-बारकाए तो घन ऊटे घन बोसे देओ चेगतो बेरा।Umm, again and again it gets up, again and again it sits, during the spirit possessing time.8.4.3Indefinite timeघन घनɡʰən ɡʰəncomAdv1Engagain and againHinअकसर; बार - बारए बोले जानू "हूता जानू खटके नी नेएँ, नी जाएँ टाकरागूड़ा नीले बोले पोरान एएँदे घन घन" बोलेसे।"Hey, I absolutely won't take to there, I won't go, if ever they take (me) to Takragura I will run away again and again" she is saying.8.4.5Relative time2EngfrequentlyHinअक्सर; बार-बार8.
घन घनɡʰən ɡʰəncomAdv1Engagain and againHinअकसर; बार - बारए बोले जानू "हूता जानू खटके नी नेएँ, नी जाएँ टाकरागूड़ा नीले बोले पोरान एएँदे घन घन" बोलेसे।"Hey, I absolutely won't take to there, I won't go, if ever they take (me) to Takragura I will run away again and again" she is saying.8.4.5Relative time2EngfrequentlyHinअक्सर; बार-बार8. ofघन