Halbi - English

चई चईनtʃəi tʃəincfचई चएआचूई चूईनचूल चूलेआcnEngfemale person who wriggles around2Person
चई चएआtʃəi tʃəeadial. var.चए चएआcfचई चईनचू चूलेआचूई चूईनचूल चूलेआcnEngmale person who wriggles around2.6.5.1Man7.2.1Manner of movement
चईतtʃəitnEnglunar month; April-MayHinवैशाख1.1.1.1Moon8.4.1.4Month
चए चईनtʃəe tʃəincfचूई चूईनcnEngfemale who wriggles around
चए चएआtʃəe tʃəeadial. var. ofचई चएआ
चकtʃəkn1England measurementapprox 10 acres1.2.1Land8.2.8Measure2Engplot of landHinज़मीन का टुकड़ाचक चो चकtʃək tʃo tʃəkcnEngall the tʃəks8.2.8Measure
चक चो चकtʃək tʃo tʃəkcnEngall the tʃəks8.2.8Measureredup. ofचकचोचक
चकए काटूकtʃəkəe kaʈukcomVbEngto cut with one hit
चकरtʃəkərn1EngwheelHinपहिया2Engnecklace typerolled metal; silver, rup, or copper and strung on a thick or specially knotted string5.4.1Jewelry3EngdiscusHinचक्रगोटोक हाते चो चकर, गोटोक हाते गदा, गोटोक हाते फूल माल धरला मने, माहा लखी।In one hand a discus, in one hand a mace, in one hand, Maha Lakhi took hold of a lotus. comp. ofदूई चकरकाल चकरcnkal wheelमूकती चकरcnliberation wheel
चकाtʃəkanEngwheelHinपहिया of tools7.2.2.7Move in a circleचकरी असनtʃəkri əsəncomAdjEngroundHinगोल8.3.1Shape8.3.1.6Round
चकाऊकtʃəkaukvEngto perplexHinहैरान करनाअक चकाऊकək tʃəkaukcomVb1Engto be perplexedHinहैरान करना be puzzledHinगम्भीर विचार करना gape with surpriseHinविस्मित करनाआऊर अक चकान होला मने। And they gaped in surprise.अक चकानək tʃəkancomAdjEngperplexedHinविकल3.4.2.5Confusedअक चकान होऊकək tʃəkan houkcomVbEngto be perplexedHinहैरान होना
चकीtʃəkinEngpotter's wheelHinकुम्हार का चाक6.6.2.4Working with clay8.6Parts of things
चकूtʃəkun1EngpocketknifeHinजेब चाकू6.7.1Cutting tool2Engsmall knifeHinचाकू
चकेआtʃəkean1EngdiagonalHinविकर्णas diagonal cut in cloth8., sloping8.5.5Spatial relations2Engbranch offHinडालियां फैलना as a path, road, etc8.5.2.3Right, left8.5.2Direction
चँग चँगा ऊगाड़ूकtʃə̃ɡ tʃə̃ɡa uɡaɽukcomVbEngto become stillas after storm; sun shines, clouds depart, etc9.1.1.2Become, change state1.3.2.5Calm, roughph. v. ofऊगाड़ूक
चटकाऊकtʃəʈkaukvEngto slap"एके कर," बोलतो के, "नी करे एबे चटकाएँदे," बोलूआए। At the time of saying, "Do this!" (and) he will say, "(If) you don't do it now I will slap you."7.7.1Hit
चटकूकtʃəʈkukvEngto kneadHinगूंथना; सान्ना in food preparation7.5.3Mix
चटेआtʃəʈeanEngsparrowHinगौरैयाचटेआ चटीनtʃəʈea tʃəʈincnEngsparrows1.6.1.2Bird
चडरीहीtʃəɖrihipnEngname of spirit; Chadrihiकोन चडरीही कोन काए देओ मन घर?Which Chadrihi spirit, which whatever spirits’ house?4.9.2Supernatural being
चँडारtʃə̃ɖarnEngcaste name for weaversHinबुनकरhave their own language6.6.1.4Weaving cloth4.1.4.1Social class
चडीtʃəɖinEngundershortsHinजांघिया5.3Clothingचडी नाड़ाtʃəɖi naɽacnEngstring for undershorts7.5.4.1Rope, string
चड़tʃəɽnEngdiscomfortHinअसहजताचड़ चड़ूकtʃəɽ tʃəɽukcomVb1Engto painas when get hair pulled2.5.6.1Pain2.5.3Injure2Engto hurt2.5.6.1Pain2.5.3Injure