छटनाएँ धरूकtʃʰəʈnaẽ dʰərukcomVbEngto scaldछटनाएँ धरूक: आमचो देस चो लोग मन काईं तपलो बीती के जसन चाहा नाहाले पेज नाहाले भात नाहाले पानी तपलो लोहो असनी बीती के छींऊलेने छटनाएँ धरली बोलूआत।'To get scalded' [tʃʰəʈnaẽ dʰəruk] : Whenever our country's people (spill on themselves) hot tea or else gruel or else cooked rice or else (boiling) water, it feels like heated iron, they will say it burned (or I got scalded).subject is 'water'2.5.3Injure7.9.1Damageph. v. ofधरूक
छतड़ीtʃʰətɽinEngrainhatHinबारिश की टोपीछतरी धरून रोतोर आए पानी ईले असन ओड़तोर आए।The rainhat is to have been being taken hold of, (and) when it rains, like this it is to be being worn.5.3Clothing
छतरtʃʰətərnEngceremonial umbrella; umbrellaHinछतरी; छाताआरू हूनी बोड़े दोंगर चो छतर हूनी मन चेगला।And those very ones climbed up under that Big Donger’s ceremonial umbrella. purificationछतर बोड़tʃʰətər boɽcnEnga variety of banyan tree1.5.1Tree