झगड़ा लागूकdʒʰəɡɽa laɡukcomVbEngto fightतेबे हून पाकलू चो आई जानू पोटलीन थाने झगड़ा लागूक ईलीसे।There that Paklu's grandmother has come to Potlin's place to have a fight.4.8.2Fight4.8.3Warph. v. ofझगड़ालागूकझगड़ा
झटेआऊकdʒʰəʈeaukvEngto jiggleचीनी अँडकी असन नक मूँडी पाएँ ने झटेआन दीला मने।He jiggled it with his toes.
झँडीdʒʰə̃ɖin1EngweathercockHinवेदरकॉक; हवामान सूचकleaf tied by a long thread to stick at threshing floor to indicate wind direction for winnowing after threshing1.1.3.1Wind2Engwarning flag on roadHinचेतावनी ध्वज6.5.4.1Road3.5.6Sign, symbol
झतर झतरनाएँdʒʰətər dʒʰətərnaẽcomAdvEnggoing every which way as flower blossom opening up; hair messy and uncombedHinबिखरा हुआder. ofredup. ofझतरनाएँder. ofनाएँनाएँ
झतरनाएँdʒʰətərnaẽadvEngevery which way; all over the placeHinहर तरफ़; हर दिशा मेंder. ofनाएँझतर झतरनाएँcomAdvgoing every which way as flower blossom opening up; hair messy and uncombed
झपड़ाdʒʰəpɽanEnglong haired maleHinकेशधारीझपड़ा आए, हूनचो केस एता ले आसे।He's a long haired person, his hair reaches to here (shoulder length).2.6.5Male, female2.1.5Hair8.2.2Long