टटकाʈəʈkaadjEngshockedHinहैरानटटका होऊकʈəʈka houkcfभोकेआऊकcomVb1Engto be shockedसारी सहर चो लोग टटका होला मने, सूनून बाती।After having heard (the price), the city's citizens were shocked (surprised). be surprised3.4.1.3Surprise
टटका होऊकʈəʈka houkcfभोकेआऊकcomVb1Engto be shockedसारी सहर चो लोग टटका होला मने, सूनून बाती।After having heard (the price), the city's citizens were shocked (surprised).(as in shocked at a price) be surprised3.4.1.3Surpriseph. v. ofटटकाहोऊकटटका
टमँडूकʈəmə̃ɖukvEngto pull outहून थाने फेर ईतलो पानी ने ओललू आरू फेर असन टमँडलू चीता के।At that place, again we entered into this much water and again like this we pulled the custard apples out of the water.
टम्डूकʈəmɖukv1Engto grope; blind person to feel around; to feel around like a blind person; blind person to grope"होऊ भगवान," बोलते जानू हून रूसी जानू असन टमडेसे मने, गूलाए असन।Saying "Yes Bhagwan", that sage is twisting this way and that. to fish by feeling in the mud with hands; to pull out of water7.3.4.5Actions of the hand6.4.5Fishing