ठगूकʈʰəɡukv1Engto tease; to slander someoneHinचिढाना; चुगली करनानूआए दूरगा मेलाए मेलाए ठगेसे।No it isn't, Durga is emptily teasing. synगपूक3. deceive"मके ठगली आऊर मोंडराएक पोएसा सारली," बोलेसे मने।"She tricked me and has finished a large amount of money," he is saying. a lie4.3.5.5Deceive6.8.9.2Cheat
ठड़गा करूकʈʰəɽɡa kərukcomVbEngto stiffen; to make someone become stiffHinकड़ा पड़ जानाहात के ठड़गा करेसे।(My) hand is stiffeningas in convulsion; spirits will do this to people, buffalo, horses, goats, cows8.3.6.3Stiff, flexibleph. v. ofठड़गाकरूक
ठाएनाएँʈʰaenaẽadv1Engcompletely; fully; totallyHinकुल मिलाकर; पूरी तरहठाएनाएँ भूके सोअलू।We slept totally hungry.2Engbursting sound; sound of a bang, crash, or shotHinठाँय
ठाकूकʈʰakukv1Engto be tired of doing something and so quit and stopHinथाकनादेओ मोनान ठाकला।We appeased the spirits (but) grew tired of it and gave up.2.4.5Rest2.4.4Tired2Engto try repeatedlyमोरलो जानू असनी हात देओ भूत मोनान मोनान ठाकला।He died you know, just like this they tried and tried but failed to appease the whirlwind spirit., attempt
ठाड़ʈʰaɽnEngstandआऊर हून के तूमी ए लग नी आनलासास आऊर एता जानू ठाड़ नी करलासास?And (how come) you haven’t brought her here and you haven't had her stand here?
ठानʈʰanclss1Engclassifier of placeHinजगहठान पाँचक ने गेली।(She) went to 5 different shops.ठान नी आए सोतो काजे।There is no place to sleep.2Engclassifier of inanimate objectsदू ठानTwo thingsपाँच ठान गोटी आसे।There are 5 stones.चार गोटेआ अमरले चार ठान के झोकतोर आए।When 4 stones arrive (on hand) (then) 4 stones are to be being caught.Hin. borr.ठो9.1.3Thingदू ठानdu ʈʰanfr. var.दूई ठानcnEngtwo thingsदू ठान असन बाचालेसे।There have been two things left-over. of thingsदूई ठानdui ʈʰanfr. var. ofदू ठानcomp. ofदूईठानcnEngtwo thing
ठानाʈʰananEngplaceHinजगहठाना गूड़ीcnrest house for officials to stay when visit village