Halbi - English

डँकाɖə̃kanEngdrumHinड्रम spirit possessed shaman's term for a nãɡra drum4.2.3.5Musical instrumentThe term is generic
डग डगɖəɡ ɖəɡcnEngmanner of searching7.6.1Searchredup. ofडगराऊक
डग डग डग दकूकɖəɡ ɖəɡ ɖəɡ dəkukcomVbEngto search with intensityतेबे बाग जानू डग डग डग दकून नापते रोए मने।Then the tiger was measuring having intensely searched.ph. v. ofडग डग दकूक
डग डग दकूकɖəɡ ɖəɡ dəkukcomVbEngto search carefullyतेबे बाग डग डग दकून नापते रोए मने।Then having searched carefully the tiger was measuring.7.6.1Search6.4.1Huntडग डग डग दकूकcomVbto search with intensity
डगर डगरɖəɡər ɖəɡərcomAdjEngsearching forredup. ofडगराऊक
डगराऊकɖəɡraukvEngto look for; to search forHinखोजना; ढूँढनातेबे जानू आमचो आजा आऊर घर जूँआए डगरालो मने।Thus, our grandfather searched for another son-in-law, i.e., for our father.7.6.1Searchडग डगɖəɡ ɖəɡcnEngmanner of searching7.6.1Searchडगर डगरɖəɡər ɖəɡərcomAdjEngsearching forडाँगरा होऊकɖə̃ɡra hocomVbEngto become split
डगाऊकɖəɡaukvEngto bounce; to jump over or acrossHinकूद कर पार करनाबोले घोड़ा चेगून माहाल के डगाऊक नी सकोत मने।Also, having ridden their horses they were not able to jump over the palace.
डँड1ɖə̃ɖHin. borr.तकलीपn1EngdifficultyHinकठिनाई4.4.2Trouble6.1.3Difficult, impossible4.4.2.1Problem2EngsufferingHinकष्टantअसतीर2.5.6.1Pain4.4.2.6Sufferडँड करलानीɖə̃ɖ kərlanicnEngheartache3.4Emotionडँड करलानी होऊकɖə̃ɖ kərlani houkcomVb1Engto feel heartache when see suffering of others4.4.4.2Show sympathy, support3.4Emotion2Engto feel compassion2.3Sense, perceive4.4.4.2Show sympathy, support3.4Emotionडँड करूकɖə̃ɖ kərukcomVbEngto suffer4.4.2.6Sufferडँड देऊकɖə̃ɖ deukcomVb1Engto tortureHinसताना4.7.7Punish2.5.6.1Pain4.4.2.6Suffer2Engto cause to suffer9.6.2.5Cause4.4.2.6Suffer
डँड2ɖə̃ɖadvEnga whilebound stem and occurs with a modifying suffix8.4.1Period of time
डँड करलानीɖə̃ɖ kərlanicnEngheartache3.4Emotioncomp. ofडँड1करलानीder. ofकरूकडँड1करूकडँड करलानी होऊकcomVbto feel heartache when see suffering of othersto feel compassion
डँड करूकɖə̃ɖ kərukcomVbEngto suffer4.4.2.6Sufferph. v. ofडँड1करूक
डँड देऊकɖə̃ɖ deukcomVb1Engto tortureHinसताना4.7.7Punish2.5.6.1Pain4.4.2.6Suffer2Engto cause to suffer9.6.2.5Cause4.4.2.6Sufferph. v. ofडँड1देऊक
डँडकीɖə̃ɖkiadvEngawhileHinकुछ समय; क्षण भर के लिये of the day
डँडाɖə̃ɖan1EngstickHinछड़ीused for hitting another piece of wood in the game called iba2Engnose bone; nose cartilageHinनासा पेशी2.1.6Bone, joint2.1.1.3Noseनाक डँडाnak ɖə̃ɖacn1Engnose bone2.1Body2.1.1.3Nose2Engcartilege of nose2.1.1.3Nose
डँडा सरनɖə̃ɖa sərəncnEnggreeting type
डँडीɖə̃ɖinEngnose ornamentHinनाक का सिराgold, hangs from the centre2.1.1.3Nose5.4.1Jewelryफूली डँडीpʰuli ɖə̃ɖicnEngnose ornament2.1.1.3Nose5.4.1Jewelry
डँडीकɖə̃ɖikadv1Engsmall amount of time; a little whileHinथोड़ी देरडँडीक ले एएँदे।I'll come in a little while.8.4.3Indefinite time2Engsmall amount of timeHinथोड़ा समय8.4.1Period of time8.4.2.1A short time
डँडेआɖə̃ɖean1Enghook for hanging things onsuch as umbrella, clothes, etc6.7.6Holding tool7. pole for carrying thingsHinकंधा; बोझा डंडा used to carry deer or other hunted animal and needing two people for each pole.6.7.3Carrying tool7.3.1Carry8.2.2Long
डबɖəbn1Engcontainer for plantingHinपौधदानी 6.2.2Land preparation2Engsmall containerHinडिब्बा8.2.1Small6.7.7Container
डबट डबड़ɖəbəʈ ɖəbəɽsoundEnga sound2.3.2.2Sound
डबराɖəbranEngmud puddle; poolHinपुआल1.2.2.1Soil, dirt1.3.3Wet
डबलाɖəblanEngleaf dishHinपत्ते की थाली food6.7.7Containerडबला दोनाɖəbla donacfडबलीcnEnglarge leaf dish8.2Big6.7.7Container
डबला दोनाɖəbla donacfडबलीcnEnglarge leaf dishmade of 4 leaves, used for cooked rice; see Appendixù pix 8e8.2Big6.7.7Containercomp. ofडबलादोना1
डबलीɖəblicfडबला दोनाcomp. ofडबलादोना1nEngleaf dishHinपत्ते की थालीsmall size of a ɖəbla dona and used for cooked riceडबली ने भात दोनी ने साग।In a big leaf dish the cooked rice, in a little leaf dish the vegetable curry.8.2.1Small6.7.7Container