Halbi - English
थएली tʰəeli n Eng small money bag Hin नाड़ी बग; पैसा बग very small; worn around neck or at waist 6.8.6 Money 8.2 Big 8.2.1 Small 6.7.7 Container
थकूक tʰəkuk v Eng to be tired; to get tired Exist 2.4.4 Tired
थमना tʰəmna cf मूँ n Eng face Hin चेहरा आऊर ऊटून बाती थमना धोऊआएँ आऊर फेर बल्बी सीकाऊआएँ सँजले। A fter having gotten up I will wash my face and again teach Halbi until evening. 2.1 Body
थमूक tʰəmuk v Eng to quiet down; to become still as waves after a storm
थर 2 tʰər n Eng shiver Hin कंपकंपी थर थर गड़ गड़ tʰər tʰər ɡəɽ ɡəɽ sound Eng shivering Sound थर थर थर tʰər tʰər tʰər fr. var. of थर थरूक ph. v. of थर 2 थर थर लागूक tʰər tʰər laɡuk cf थर थर होऊक ph. v. of होऊक थर 2 comVb Eng to shiver Shake Move back and forth थर थर होऊक tʰər tʰər houk cf थर थर लागूक ph. v. of लागूक थर 2 comVb Eng to shiver थर थर हूआत हूनी बाटे मोरूआत। They will shiver (and) in that very direction /place they will die. थर थरूक tʰər tʰəruk fr. var. थर थर थर comVb 1 Eng to shudder Hin ठिठुरना; कांपना 2 Eng to shiver बोलतो के कोंडा थर थरेसे मने। At the time of saying, Konda is shivering (with fear). Move back and forth Fever Cold 7.1.9 Move a part of the body
थर थर गड़ गड़ tʰər tʰər ɡəɽ ɡəɽ sound Eng shivering Sound id. of थर 2
थर थर थर tʰər tʰər tʰər fr. var. of थर थरूक ph. v. of थर 2 redup. of थर 2
थर थर होऊक tʰər tʰər houk cf थर थर लागूक ph. v. of लागूक थर 2 comVb Eng to shiver थर थर हूआत हूनी बाटे मोरूआत। They will shiver (and) in that very direction /place they will die. ph. v. of होऊक थर 2 थर 2
थर थरूक tʰər tʰəruk fr. var. थर थर थर comVb 1 Eng to shudder Hin ठिठुरना; कांपना as motorscooter when idling 2 Eng to shiver बोलतो के कोंडा थर थरेसे मने। At the time of saying, Konda is shivering (with fear). Move back and forth Fever Cold 7.1.9 Move a part of the body ph. v. of थर 2
थाक tʰak adj Eng low; short Hin कम; छोटा
थाकर tʰakər n Eng servant Hin नौकर
थाँदले tʰãdle dial. var. of ए थान्न्दले comp. of ए 1 4 थान 1 ले 1 1
थान 1 tʰan n Eng place Hin जगह ए थान ले e tʰan le cf ए थान्न्दले comp. of ए 1 4 थान 1 ले 1 1 comAdv Eng from here Hin यहाँ से 8.5.1 Here, there ए थान्न्दले e tʰanndle dial. var. थाँदले cf ए थान ले comp. of ए 1 4 थान 1 ले 1 1 comAdv Eng from here Hin यहाँ से 8.5.1 Here, there थाने tʰane n 1 Eng in a place; at a place Hin एक जगह पर Near Beside Next to 2 Eng with ईची थाने itʃi tʰane comAdv Eng just here; this very place Hin बस यहीं; यही जगह 8.5.1 Here, there ए थाने e tʰane comAdv Eng here; at this place Hin यहाँ; इस जगह पर Demonstrative pronouns 8.5.1 Here, there कोन थाने kon tʰane adv Eng where; at which place Hin कहाँ 8.5 Location Question words कोनी थाने koni tʰane comAdv Eng wherever Hin जहाँ भी 8.5 Location Question words ठाने ठाने ʈʰane ʈʰane cn Eng in several places Many, much हूनी थाने huni tʰane comAdv Eng there Hin वहाँ Demonstrative pronouns 8.5.1 Here, there थानो tʰano n Eng place's Hin एक जगह का हून थाँदले hun tʰãdle cf हून थान्ले comp. of ले 1 हून 5 थान 1 comAdv Eng from there Hin वहाँ से Demonstrative pronouns 8.5.1 Here, there हून थान्ले hun tʰanle cf हून थाँदले comp. of हून 5 ले 1 1 थान 1 comAdv Eng from there Hin वहाँ से Demonstrative pronouns 8.5.1 Here, there
थाने tʰane n 1 Eng in a place; at a place Hin एक जगह पर Near Beside Next to 2 Eng with comp. of थान 1 ए 2 dial. var. of तो 1 थान 1 ईची थाने comAdv just here; this very place ए थाने comAdv here; at this place कोन थाने adv where; at which place कोनी थाने comAdv wherever ठाने ठाने cn in several places हूनी थाने comAdv there
थानो tʰano n Eng place's Hin एक जगह का der. of थान 1
थापड़ tʰapəɽ n Eng slap Hin थप्पड़ थापड दूईक। Two slaps. 7.7.1 Hit थापड़ मारूक tʰapəɽ maruk comVb Eng to slap 7.7.1 Hit
थापड़ मारूक tʰapəɽ maruk comVb Eng to slap 7.7.1 Hit ph. v. of थापड़ मारूक
थापड़क tʰapɽək n Eng one slap Hin एक थप्पड़ 7.7.1 Hit 8.1.1 Number
थापड़ाऊक tʰapɽauk v Eng to slap 7.7.1 Hit
थापा 1 tʰapa n Eng grasshopper Hin टिड्डा Insect Hindi word means 'grasshopper' or 'locust' कीड़ा थापा kiɽa tʰapa cn Eng insects खीक्सा थापा kʰiksa tʰapa cn Eng insect type; cricket Hin झींगुर Insect झूलना थापा dʒʰulna tʰapa cn Eng praying mantis Insect
थापा 2 tʰapa n Eng type of woven basket for covering things
थापूक tʰapuk v 1 Eng to cover; to put hand on something with hand, paw बीलहीं पीला मूसा थापेसे। The kitten is covering the mouse with her paw. गाले हात थापलासे। They have their hand on their cheek. 7.3.7 Cover 2 Eng to smooth out