दकनी दकdəkni dəkcomVbEngto searchदकनी दक गोटक चूटेआ भील के दकली मने।Looking/searching and looking/searchin she saw a mouse hole.(a conjugated form of the verb dəkuk 'to see, look' will follow somewhere in the clause.) 7.6.1Searchredup. ofदकूकनी1दकूकदकनी दक दकूकcomVbto look all around
दकनी दक दकूकdəkni dək dəkukcomVbEngto look all aroundअसनी बोलतो के दकनी दक दक फेर राजा दकलो मने।At the time of saying like this, the king looked all around (then) saw her.ph. v. ofदकूकदकनी दकredup. ofदकूकनी1दकूकदकूक
दका देऊकdəka deukcomVbEngto show oneself; to showHinदिखाई देना"दका दीआस गोटोक भोईन के हारूँदे," बोलला मने। "Reveal yourself! We will give you one of our sisters (in marriage)," they said. ph. v. ofदकाder. ofदकूकआ14देऊकदेऊकदकूक
ददरूकdədrukvEngto be covered with a leaf disha potri leaf dish is turned up-side-down to cover mouth of potफेर ददरून भाती फेर सीका ओराऊन भाती फेर ऊमठारून देतोर आए।Again after having covered (the pot) with a leaf dish and tied again, after having hung (on the ) rope sling again, one is to be turning it upside down.7.3.7Cover1.5.5Parts of a plant6.7.7Container
दबाऊकdəbaukv1Engto disclaim knowledge ofलेका मन समान के दबाला।The boys denied knowledge of the goods.2Engto cause to obeyनाई हून चो नातीन के दबातोर आए, ने?His granddaughter is to be made to obey, isn't that so?
दम1dəmnEngmoistureHinगीलापन; नमीgarden remains moist even several days after wateringएबे दम आसे नी सूकलीसे।It's still moist, it hasn't dried up.
दम2dəmadvEngimmediateHinतुरंतएक दमek dəmcomAdv1EngimmediatelyHinतुरंत; फ़ौरन2EngquicklyHinजल्दी से