Halbi - English

nfr. var. ofऊन
नओकरीnəokərinEngservantHinकर्मचारी; नौकरआऊर दूई भाई नओकरी ने आसोत आऊर आमी घरे कमाऊआऊँ।Two brothers are working as servants and we are at home farming.
नकnəknEngfingernail; toenail; nailHinनख; नाखून5.4.7Care for the fingernails2.1.3.3Finger, toeनक मूँदीnək mũdicn1Engfinger ringHinनाखून5.4.7Care for the fingernails2.1.3.3Finger, toe2Engtip of fingernailHinनाखून2.1.3.3Finger, toe3Engtip of toenailHinपादांगुली, toe
नक मूँदीnək mũdicn1Engfinger ringHinनाखून5.4.7Care for the fingernails2.1.3.3Finger, toe2Engtip of fingernailHinनाखून2.1.3.3Finger, toe3Engtip of toenailHinपादांगुली, toecomp. ofनकमूँदीनक
नकटाnəkʈanEngmask typecarved from a gourd or made from tin, worn during the tʃʰerta festivalलेका मन नकटा नाचूआत।The boys will dance with the mask.4.2.4Dance4.2.5Drama
नकटी लड़ाऊकnəkʈi ləɽaukcomVbEngyoung women to wrestle during the tʃʰerta festivalas an inter-village competition2.6.5.2Woman4.2.2.3Celebrate4.2.2.2Festival, showph. v. ofलड़ाऊक
नकलnəkəln1Engdeed of ownershipHinनकल; मालिकाना हक़; शीर्षक पत्रparticularly of landपोटवारी के नकल आँगतोर आए।He is to be asking for the deed from the Potwari., property6.5.1.3Land, property6.8.1.1Own, possess2Engrecord of ownershipHinस्वामित्व; शीर्षक पत्र6.8.1.5Possession, property6.5.1.3Land, property3.5.7.5Record6.8.1.1Own, possess3Engcomplaint about nonexistent aches and painsHinबीमारी का बहाना बनानाin order to get out of work2.5.6.1Pain3. drama characterनकल दकाऊकnəkəl dəkaukcomVbEngto complain about non-existent aches and painsHinशिकायत करना; तकलीफ़ बतलानाusually to get out of work3.
नकल दकाऊकnəkəl dəkaukcomVbEngto complain about non-existent aches and painsHinशिकायत करना; तकलीफ़ बतलानाusually to get out of work3. v. ofदकाऊकder. ofदकूक1 3नकलदकूकनकल
नकली सोनnəkli soncnEngmixed gold; bad gold; impure goldlooks like brass, mixed with some other substances1.2.2.3Metal7.5.3.1Pure, unmixed7.5.3Mixcomp. ofसोन
नकसाnəksanEngmapHinनक्शाभारत चो नकसा खूब बोड़े आए।The map of India is very big.
नकी1nəkinEngsmall pot made of aluminiumHinपतीली of, materialनकी भोंडूआnəki bʰõɖuafr. var.नकी भोंडोआcnEngpotsgeneric term5.2.1.3Cooking utensil6.7.7Container
नानी नकीnani nəkicnEngsmall aluminium pot1.2.2.4Mineral8.2.1Small5.2.1.3Cooking utensil6.7.7Container
नानी नकीsmall-pot
नकी2nəkinEngnut of a fruitHinगिरी; बीज1.5.5Parts of a plantखाजू नकीkʰadʒu nəkicnEngnut of the khaju fruit (cashew?) from fruit1.5.5Parts of a plantभेलूआँ नकीbʰeluã nəkicnEngnut of the cashew fruit1.5.5Parts of a plant
नँगतnə̃ɡət1adjEngwellHinअच्छा; कुंआ2.5Healthy2advEnggoodHinअच्‍छा3.4.1Feel good8.3.7Good3advEngmuchHinअधिकता; बहुत8.1.3.1Many, muchनँगत करूकnə̃ɡət kərukcfनीकोcomVb1Engto assistHinसुविधादेना;सहायताकरनाsick people, in delivering baby, mother in giving birth4.3.4.2Help2Engto helpHinमददकरना;सहायताकरनानँगत लाजnə̃ɡət ladʒcnEnggreat shynessनँगत होऊकnə̃ɡət houkcfनँगत गते होऊकनीको होऊकph. v. ofहोऊकनीकोcomVbEngto give birthHinजन्मदेना;जननाकसा दीन आमचो देस ने नँगत होले तीन दीन होले असनी कसा देऊआत। ‎In our country, when (a woman) gives birth, after 3 days, they will do the kəsa purification ceremony.2.6.3Birthनँगत होलोnə̃ɡət holocomAdjEnggiven birthHinजन्म दिया2.6.3Birth
नँगत करूकnə̃ɡət kərukcfनीकोcomVb1Engto assistHinसुविधादेना;सहायताकरनाsick people, in delivering baby, mother in giving birth4.3.4.2Help2Engto helpHinमददकरना;सहायताकरना v. ofनँगतकरूक
नँगत गते होऊकnə̃ɡət ɡəte houkcfनँगत होऊकph. v. ofहोऊकनँगतcomVbEngto give birthदीन फूरतोके नँगत गते होला मने। At the time of the pregnancy days being fulfilled, they gave birth.
नँगत लाजnə̃ɡət ladʒcnEnggreat shynesscomp. ofनँगतलाज
नँगत होऊकnə̃ɡət houkcfनँगत गते होऊकनीको होऊकph. v. ofहोऊकनीकोcomVbEngto give birthHinजन्मदेना;जननाकसा दीन आमचो देस ने नँगत होले तीन दीन होले असनी कसा देऊआत। ‎In our country, when (a woman) gives birth, after 3 days, they will do the kəsa purification ceremony.2.6.3Birthph. v. ofहोऊकनँगतनँगत
नँगत होलोnə̃ɡət holocomAdjEnggiven birthHinजन्म दिया2.6.3Birthcomp. ofid. ofनँगतहोऊकलो 2नँगत
नँगतेnə̃ɡteHin. borr.बड़ाadvEngmuchHinअतीव; बहुत; अधिकintensifier8.1.3.1Many, much8.1.3.2Few, littleनँगतेदाएँnə̃ɡtedaẽcfदाएँadvEngvery lateHinदेर; बहुत देर तकनँगते दाएँ होली।It became very late.नँगते रात ले रोऊँ।We stayed to very late at night. of the day9.3.1.1To a large degree
नँगतेदाएँnə̃ɡtedaẽcfदाएँadvEngvery lateHinदेर; बहुत देर तकनँगते दाएँ होली।It became very late.नँगते रात ले रोऊँ।We stayed to very late at night. of the day9.3.1.1To a large degreeder. ofनँगतेदाएँनँगते
नँगरचीnə̃ɡartʃinEngdrummer (masc)Hinढँढोरची; ढोलकियानँगरा बाजातो बीता के नँगारची।The person playing the drum (is called) nə̃ɡartʃi.