रकाऊकrəkaukcfरीकाऊकvEngto pour outHinबहानाआऊर एक ठान रोसी चाऊर हूतलो बोनान फूजारी हून पानी रकान देदे मूँडे।And having made a small leaf dish, rice, that much, the priest will pour that water on the (patient's) head.1.3.2Movement of water
रखवारrəkʰwarnEngforest guardHinवन रक्षकa man who lives in forest to watch for thievesदारू लतलू आरू, ए ए काए, टँगेआ मन के रखवार झीकलो।We loaded the wood and, um, the forest guard grabbed the axes., grassland, desert
रगrəɡnEngbright flashरग रगूकrəɡ rəɡukcomVbEngto brightly flashहून हीटर आईग माहा रग रगते रोऊआए। That heater will be glowing red like a fire.आईग रग रगूकaiɡ rəɡ rəɡukcomVbEngto flame5.5.5What fires produce5.5Fireरग रगा रँगrəɡ rəɡa rə̃ɡcomAdjEngreddish brown; redHinलाल; लालिमायुक्त भूरा
रग रगूकrəɡ rəɡukcomVbEngto brightly flashहून हीटर आईग माहा रग रगते रोऊआए। That heater will be glowing red like a fire.ph. v. ofरगआईग रग रगूकcomVbto flameरग रगा रँगcomAdjreddish brown; red
रँगूकrə̃ɡukvEngto crawl over lightly; to be tickled by something moving over skinचाटी रँगते रोएThe ant was tickling as it crawled over (my skin). past, over, through
रचूकrətʃukcfबोए डेरूकv1Engto come off onto something elseas paint or dye onto clothes2Engto stack; to put awayHinसजानाas for a paddy rice stackखूब हून धार चो धान मन होले हून के आनून भाती कूपा रचतोर आएता।If there’s lots of paddy in the fields, after having brought it, (one) is to be making a paddy stack.
रजrədʒ1nEnghazeHinधुंधरज धरेसे।It is hazy.2advEngvery forceful and heavyरज रज रज पानी मारली।The rain fell very forcefully.
रतrətnEngjuggernaut; big movable platformHinरथखूब लोग लेमरीन मन हात धरा धरी दूई पाट होऊ रोहोत रत चो बोंहरक।Many Lamani women had joined hands on both sides and encircled the juggernaut.रत खाऊकrət kʰaukcomVbEngjuggernaut to consume sacrifice
रत खाऊकrət kʰaukcomVbEngjuggernaut to consume sacrificeIn previous era children were thrown as a sacrifice under the wheels of the juggernaut during the dəsraha festivalph. v. ofरतखाऊक