Halbi - English

टीपसीʈipsinEngfinger snapHinचटक; टाक2.1.3.3Finger, toe2.3.2.3Types of soundsटीपसी मारूकʈipsi marukcomVbEngto snap fingersHinचुटकी बजाना2.3.5Sense of touch2.1.3.3Finger, toe2.3.2.2Sound
टीपसी मारूकʈipsi marukcomVbEngto snap fingersHinचुटकी बजाना2.3.5Sense of touch2.1.3.3Finger, toe2.3.2.2Soundph. v. ofमारूकटीपसी
टीरकाʈirkaadjEngsour2.3.3Tasteटीरका होऊकʈirka houkcomVbEngto become sourHinखट्‌टा होना; फटना2.3.3Taste
टीरका होऊकʈirka houkcomVbEngto become sourHinखट्‌टा होना; फटनाas milk2.3.3Tasteph. v. ofटीरकाहोऊकटीरका
टीरचाʈirtʃanEngchicken's food bag1.6.2.1Parts of a bird
टीव टाएरʈiw ʈaercnEngtube and tyrecomp. ofटाएर
टूईंʈuĩnEngbuttockHinचूतड़considered to be a somewhat profane word2.1Body2.1.2Torso
टूकनाʈuknacfटूकनीnEngsmall basketHinछोटी टोकरी8.2.1Small6.7.7Container
टूकनीʈuknicfटूकनाnEngsmall basket typeHinछोटी टोकरीand smaller than a ʈukna8.2.1Small6.7.7Container
टूटा भाँगाʈuʈa bʰãɡacnEngsorrow at being out of sorts with friends; sulking3.4.2Feel bad3.4.2.1Sad3. ofटूटाऊकटूटा भाँगा होऊकcomVbto ignore one another after fightingto sulk
टूटा भाँगा होऊकʈuʈa bʰãɡa houkcomVb1Engto ignore one another after fightingHinध्‍यान न देना4.8.2Fight3.1.2.4Ignore9.5.2.4Each other2Engto sulk3.4.2.3Angry4. v. ofटूटा भाँगाcomp. ofटूटाऊकहोऊकटूटाऊक
टूटाऊकʈuʈaukv1Engto break; to pickHinचुन्नानाई बोऊ ईदलदाएँ जाऊन भाती टुटाते रोतोर आए ईदलाएँ।No, Bou, at this time having gone one is to be picking (the leaves) at this time. up7.3.2.4Lift2Engto break offआऊर माला मन के टूटाएसोत आऊर पोकाएसोत।And they are ripping off the malas and they are throwing them away. 7.8.1Break7.8.4Tear, ripटूटा भाँगाʈuʈa bʰãɡacnEngsorrow at being out of sorts with friends; sulking3.4.2Feel bad3.4.2.1Sad3.टूटा भाँगा होऊकʈuʈa bʰãɡa houkcomVb1Engto ignore one another after fightingHinध्‍यान न देना4.8.2Fight3.1.2.4Ignore9.5.2.4Each other2Engto sulk3.4.2.3Angry4.
टूटीʈuʈirhyMrkrEngrhymer wordकेस टूटीkes ʈuʈicnEnga boil; furuncle,A painful sore with a hard core filled with pus2.5.1Sick2.5.2Diseaseफोटीई टूटीpʰoʈii ʈuʈifr. var.फोटई टूटीcnEngclothing5.3Clothing
टूटूकʈuʈukitVbEngto breakHinटूटना"खँदी के टूटाले मोचो अँडकी मन टूटेदे," बोलेसे मने।She is saying, "If the twig is picked, my fingers will break."7.8.1Break2.5.3Injure7.9.1Damage
टूतीʈutirhyMrkrEngrhymer word
टूर टूरा खाऊकʈur ʈura kʰaukcomVbEngto eat till stuffed5.2.2Eatph. v. ofखाऊक
टूरी टनकीनʈuri ʈənkincn1Engservantsstory form4.5.4.3Serve2Engmaid servants
टेंगनाʈẽɡnanEngfish type1.6.1.5Fish
टेंगनीʈẽɡninEngfish type1.6.1.5Fish
टेंगरा नेंगराʈẽɡra nẽɡracomAdjEngoverlappingटेंगरा नेंगरा रूआए हून के टींग कूड़ेआ बोलतोर आए।(When) it is overlapping each other it's called a tin roof.such as tiles, corrugated ironcomp. ofrhy. ph.टेंगरूक1 4टेंगरूक
टेंगरूकʈẽɡrukvEngto lift up and put in place; to put one on top of anotherHinछानाas large stones on oil press, water pots on headआऊर पीरी नेऊन भाती पोकना टेंगरूआत।And after having taken to the oil press they will stack rocks up on top of them.टेंगरा नेंगराʈẽɡra nẽɡracomAdjEngoverlappingटेंगरा नेंगरा रूआए हून के टींग कूड़ेआ बोलतोर आए।(When) it is overlapping each other it's called a tin roof.
टेंगलूकʈẽɡlukvEngto follow the leader; to overlap each other
टेंडकाʈẽɖkanEnglizardHinछिपकलीटेंडका मेंडकाʈẽɖka mẽɖkacnEnglizards and frogs; reptiles and amphibians1.