Halbi - English

ऊमरूकumrukvEngto become old and dried outsuch as when keep a leafy vegetable too long without using9.1.1.2Become, change state8.4.6.5Age8., not new
ऊमाऊकumaukcvVbEngto ripen somethingrefers to picking of green fruit like mangoes or guavas which are then stored in kʰəɽ rice straw till ripe.1.5.6Growth of plantsder. ofऊमूक
ऊमूकumukitVbEngto ripenHinपकनाsubject is the item ripening such as mangoes, guavas, custard apples, etc1.5.6Growth of plantsऊमाऊकumaukcvVbEngto ripen somethingrefers to picking of green fruit like mangoes or guavas which are then stored in kʰəɽ rice straw till ripe.1.5.6Growth of plants
ऊरकूकurkukvEngsomething to be finishedआमचो खातो बीती ऊरकलीसे।Our food is finished.
ऊरलीurlinEngleftover thingHinबची हुई चीज़, remainderder. ofऊरूक
ऊरलूकurluktrVb1Engto strip off; to shave offthis shaving or stripping can include flowers, or dʒʰara7.8.5Make hole, opening7.8.3Cut2Engto planeऊरल्‍तो बीतीurəlto biticn1Engplane6.6.3Working with wood2Engpencil sharpener 6.6.3Working with wood
ऊरा फूराura pʰuracnEngsufficient food8.1.7Enough5.2Foodcomp. ofऊराऊकder. ofऊरूकफूराऊरूकफूराऊरा फूरा होऊकcomVbto have enough to eat; to eat and have food leftover
ऊराऊकuraukvEngto have enough to eat; to eat and have food leftoverder. ofऊरूकऊरा फूराcnsufficient food
ऊरामuramcfढोल मोंदcomp. ofमोंदढोलपोसरा मोंदcomp. ofमोंदभाटी मोंदcomp. ofभाटी2मोंदमोंदमोंद मोंदीredup. ofमोंद2 8लँदाnEngliquor type5.2.3.7Alcoholic beverage
ऊरूकurukvEngto be leftover8.1.7.4Remain, remainderऊरलीurlinEngleftover thingHinबची हुई चीज़, remainderऊरलो फूरलोurlo pʰurlocnEngleft overs8.1.7.4Remain, remainderऊराऊकuraukvEngto have enough to eat; to eat and have food leftoverऊरा फूराura pʰuracnEngsufficient food8.1.7Enough5.2Foodऊरा फूरा होऊकura pʰura houkcfफूरूकcomVbEngto have enough to eat; to eat and have food leftover5.2.2Eat8.1.7Enough5.2Food
ऊलट पूलटuləʈ puləʈcnEngupside-down7.1.8Bend downrhy. ph.ऊलठूकपूलटऊलट पूलट करूकcomVbto turn upside-downऊलट पूलट होऊकcomVbto be turned upside-down
ऊलटाulʈaadj1EngoppositeHinउल्‍टा aboutऊलटा कानून धरूकulʈa kanun dʰərukcfकानून नसाऊकph. v. ofनसाऊकcomVbEngto reverse aroundऊलटा गोठेआऊकulʈa ɡoʈʰeaukcomVbEngto repeatHinदुहरानाऊलटा पाटulʈa paʈcomAdjEngupside-downऊलटा पूलटाulʈa pulʈacomAdvEngupside-downऊलटा पूलटा करूकulʈa pulʈa kərukcomVbEngto turn upside-downगोट के ऊलटा पूलटा करूकɡoʈ ke ulʈa pulʈa kərukcfगोटगोट बात होऊकph. v. ofगोट बातहोऊकगोठेआऊकफाएदाबोली1der. ofबोलूक2 7comVbEngto translateHinअनुवाद करना3.5.8Interpreting messagesऊलटा पूलटा होऊकulʈa pulʈa houkcomVbEngto be out of place; to be upside down7.5.9Put7.3.4.3Put downऊलटा फेरulʈa pʰercomAdvEngturnaboutए चमरा मन ऊल्‍टा फेर आम्‍के डराएसोत।The Chamras have done a turnabout and are frightening us (again).ऊलटा होऊकulʈa houkcomVbEngto be insideout
ऊलटा गोठेआऊकulʈa ɡoʈʰeaukcomVbEngto repeatHinदुहराना v. ofगोठेआऊकऊलटा
ऊलटा पाटulʈa paʈcomAdjEngupside-downcomp. ofऊलटापाटfr. var. ofपाटा
ऊलटा पूलटाulʈa pulʈacomAdvEngupside-downcomp. ofऊलटापूलटाऊलटा पूलटा करूकcomVbto turn upside-downऊलटा पूलटा होऊकcomVbto be out of place; to be upside down
ऊलटा फेरulʈa pʰercomAdvEngturnaboutए चमरा मन ऊल्‍टा फेर आम्‍के डराएसोत।The Chamras have done a turnabout and are frightening us (again).comp. ofऊलटाफेर