Halbi - English

धक धकdʰək dʰəkcnEngpulsate; beating7.2Moveredup. ofधकूकधक धक करूकcomVbto beat; to pulsate
धक धक करूकdʰək dʰək kərukcomVbEngto beat; to pulsateHinघड़कनाas heart7.2Moveph. v. ofधक धकredup. ofधकूककरूकधकूककरूक
धकड़ पकड़dʰəkəɽ pəkəɽcnEnghurry7.2.1.2Move quickly8.4.8.1Quickधकड़ पकड़ लागूकdʰəkəɽ pəkəɽ laɡukcomVbEngto be in a hurry to get somewhereusually because of hunger, tiredness, etc7.2.1.2Move quickly8.4.8.1Quick7.2Move
धकड़ पकड़ लागूकdʰəkəɽ pəkəɽ laɡukcomVbEngto be in a hurry to get somewhereusually because of hunger, tiredness, etc7.2.1.2Move quickly8.4.8.1Quick7.2Moveph. v. ofधकड़ पकड़लागूकधकड़ पकड़
धकाdʰəkanEngpushHinधक्काधका मारेसे।(He) is pushing forcefully around.7.7.4Press7.3.2.9Push3.3.3.5Compelधका मारूकdʰəka marukcomVbEngto push around forcefully; to shoveधका मारेसे।(He) is pushing forcefully around.7.7.4Press7.3.2.9Push3.3.3.5Compel
धका मारूकdʰəka marukcomVbEngto push around forcefully; to shoveधका मारेसे।(He) is pushing forcefully around.7.7.4Press7.3.2.9Push3.3.3.5Compelph. v. ofधकामारूकमारूकधका
धकूकdʰəkukvEngto pulse; to pulsate; to beat7.2Moveधक धकdʰək dʰəkcnEngpulsate; beating7.2Moveधक धक करूकdʰək dʰək kərukcomVbEngto beat; to pulsateHinघड़कनाas heart7.2Move
धँगड़ाdʰə̃ɡɽacfजूआनजूबा धोंगड़ीधँगड़ीnEngyoung manHinजवानpossibly younger than dʒuan2.6.5.1Man8.
धँगड़ीdʰə̃ɡɽicfजूआनजूबा धोंगड़ीधँगड़ाn1Engyoung womanHinयुवती dancer at tʃʰerta festivalHinनृत्यशील लड़कीsome girls sing while one dances with a broom and with face and head coveredबोड़े लेकी मन धँगड़ी नाचाऊआत।The big girls will dance as the dʰə̃ɡɽi.4.2.4Dance2.6.5.2Woman
धड़dʰəɽcfअँगदेहेंnEngtorso; body excluding headHinधड़; शरीर2.1Bodyधान धड़dʰan dʰəɽcfखड़cnEngpaddy straw6.2.5.4Plant product6. rice1.5.5Parts of a plant
धड़वाdʰəɽwan1Engmetal workerHinकुंभारworks with bronze, bronze, aluminium, and other metals2Engcaste name
धड़ीdʰəɽinEngborder; stripe at edge along length of clothHinकिनारीparticularly the edge of the cloth dʒoɽi atʃi5.3.6Parts of clothing5.3Clothing6.6.1.1Cloth8.6.6Edge
धनdʰənnEngwealth; richesHinदौलत; धन6.8.1.5Possession, property6.8.1.2Rich6.8.1Have wealthधन मालdʰən malcn1Engthings; possessionsin relation to wealth and riches6.8.1.5Possession, property6.8.1.1Own, possess6.8.1Have wealth2EngwealthHinज़र
धन धन रेdʰən dʰən recnEnggloating poetic form3.5.4.4Poetry
धन मालdʰən malcn1Engthings; possessionsin relation to wealth and riches6.8.1.5Possession, property6.8.1.1Own, possess6.8.1Have wealth2EngwealthHinज़रcomp. ofधनमाल
धनरा भाटाdʰənra bʰaʈapnEngDhanra Bhata
धनूdʰənunEngbowHinधनुषas in bow and arrow4.8.3.7Weapon, shoot6.4.1Huntधनू काँडdʰənu kãɖcn1EngrainbowHin इन्द्र धनुष8. of the spectrum1.1.3.2Cloud2Engbow and arrow4.8.3.7Weapon, shoot6.4.1Hunt
धनू काँडdʰənu kãɖcn1EngrainbowHin इन्द्र धनुष8. of the spectrum1.1.3.2Cloud2Engbow and arrow4.8.3.7Weapon, shoot6.4.1Huntcomp. ofधनूकाँड
धनेआdʰəneanEngcorianderHinधनिया from plants
धनोआdʰənoapnEngDhanoa village
धन्यवादdʰənybadnEngthank youHinधन्यवाद
धप धपीdʰəp dʰəpicnEngepidemicधप धपी ईलेने खूब लोग मोरूआत।Whenever an epidemic comes many people will die.one in which many people die2.6.6Die2.5.1Sick4.4.2.4Disaster2.5.2Diseaseredup. ofधपूक2 8dial. var. of1 1dial. var. ofऊनधपूक