Browse Hanga - English
kpaV1to hammer2set direction to go to a certain placeTi ni kpa Murugu soori.We will set out for the Murugu road.
kpaa3plkpaasi2Nstoreyed or multi-floor building
kpaakuloNgrain cakes fried in oil
kpaakpa tiyaN. phrasecoconut tree
kpaamplkpaamaNoil, grease, shea nut butterniŋa kpaambody cream
kpaanaNspecific dance danced after an old person has died
kpaanisgkpaaŋuNguinea fowls
kpaaŋuplkpaaniNguinea fowl
kpaasi1V1hitBa kpaasirini ba nuusi.They are clapping their hands.2knock3construct with wood
kpaasi2sgkpaa3Nstoreyed buildings
kpaasi tubaVwarn or instruct
kpabiV1to want or need something2look for someone or something3like someone or something4have sex
kpadoonwutiraNanointing oil
kpagasgkpagiriN1lumps under skin (such as caused by oncho)2hernias