Browse Hanga - English
n1pvmemphatic markerNiŋi n na, o yeli.There (it is), he said.
n2pvmsubordinate clause markerBii maa n ti paagira tiŋŋa, o chaariWhe the child was reaching the ground, (during birth) he cried out.
n3conjmarker that connects verbsO ki lee n tee n ta.He will not be able to come again.
na1Vbe the same one, applied to people, animals or inanimate objectsMani n na.I am the one
na2AdvstillO na bi gaari.He has still not gone.
naaimpf.naagiraVpick upNaa n gaari.Pick it up and go. Naag a gaari.Pick them up and go. Naa pogipaali.Take a new wife.
naaba booli maidI need to go to the toilet
naaŋuNprevious conditionO naaŋu n na.It's in the same condition.
NaawundaabiriN1slave of God2holy person
NaawunniNGod (lit. 'chief spirit')
Naawunni gbaŋŋuidThe Bible, the scriptures used by Christians
nachiimaplnachiinsiN1servant2handsome person
nachiinsisgnachiimaNrelatives who serve you