Browse Hanga - English
tigiripltigaNtrap for fishing
taabasgtodaanaNfriends or acquaintancesM taaba n na.They are my friends.
taabi1Vcollect honey from a bee's nest
taabi2VmergeMogiri maa ni beeŋu la paali n taabi taaba.The river and the lake filled and merged together.
taabofrom EnglishpltaabosiNwooden board
taabosisgtaaboNwooden boards
taamisgtaaŋuNshea nut trees or shea nuts as they come off the tree, including the edible part
taansiiniNinsect that causes itching1.6.1.7Insect
taaŋupltaamiNshea nut tree or a shea nut as it come off the tree, including the edible part
taariimpf.taatiraVplasterBa taatirini dii maa.They are plastering the hut.
taasiV1cause2bring a replacement
tabi1V1tie on one's backNaa bii maa tabi.Put the child on your back.2be besideO za n tabi gondaa.He stood beside the wall.
TachallinpropTachali, a northern Hanga village on the eastern road
tagiliVstack things like cups and buckets