Browse Hanga - English
yawuN1money paid for farm work2money used for trade
YazoorinpropYazori, a Hanga village on the western road
yeeVto take down something hanging up
yeeliVwinnow by pouring from one container into another
YeesunpropJesus, known to Muslims as Isa al-Masih
yeetiriplyeeyaNstring of beads
yeeyasgyeetiriNstrings of beads
YegbuŋnaabanpropParamount chief of the whole Gonja area
yeladial. var.yalasgyelliNhappenings
yeli1impf.yetiraVtell; say
yeli2impf.yentiraVbe too big or not fitting properlyDakoori yeli ma.The shorts don't fit me properly.
yeligidial. var.yaligiV1widen2enlarge
yelimNwidthDaba maa pu maa yelim zooya.The man's farm is very wide.
*yeliŋŋupl*yelimaadjwidewajeyeliŋŋua wide cloth
yellidial. var.yalliplyelaNsomething happening
yerigiV1unfold2spread out (to dry or cool)
yi1V1exit2change from one state to another