Browse Hanga - English
yirikpeemaNhead of family
yirin-yirinattrtroublesomeE ba yirin-yirin ga.You are very troublesome.
yiriyiriattrdifferent kindsBini maa marini yiriyiri.The things are of different kinds.
yiya2sgyiriN1compounds & their huts2houses
yiya3plyiisi3Nprivate parts of a person, including anus, vagina and penis.
yogiVpull back, e.g. a curtainHO yogi n nyaasiHe pulled back (the curtain) and looked
*yoo2pl*yoosi1adjempty or unrelatedKoŋkoŋyoo n na.It is an empty tin.
yoo3exclIndication of agreement (Yes!)
yoo4empindeed!Daba maa mari yam yoo!