jaga1AdvdespiteA zaa jaga,Despite all this, 2attruselessE ba jaga ga.You are hopeless.3attrpromiscuousE ba jaga ga.You are promiscuous.4Advfree of chargeM koni o koobu ti u jaga.I did his farming work for free.
jagajaga1Adv(talk) nonsenseE togsira jagajaga gaYou are talking a lot of nonsense.2AdvaimlesslyO gaa n niŋi jagajaga.He is going about aimlessly.3attrinterfererE ba jagajaga ga.You interfere unnecessarily.
jagilimattr1selfishO jagilim zu, o ki tee n nyaasi biisiBecause of her selfishness, she cannot look after children.2loose livingO jagilim zu, bibaala zaa kpabira u ni.Because of her loose living every young men wants her.